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I ett nummer av Vi Föräldrar har dietist Sara Ask intervjuat Anna Ek om övervikt hos barn och varför det är viktigt att uppmärksamma detta tidigt. Ta gärna del av artikeln Övervikt hos barn – det kan man göra som förälder.

SvD har publicerat en artikelserie med namnet ”Den känsliga viktfrågan” där Mer och Mindre-studien uppmärksammas. Här finns dessa artiklar att läsa (prenumeration krävs):

Den känsliga viktfrågan
Intervju med förälder som gått föräldragruppsprogrammet inom Mer och Mindre-studien

Framgångsrik viktmetod för barn
Intervju med professor Paulina Nowicka om metoden

Barns övervikt särskilt känsligt
Intervju med Catharina Neovius, vårdutvecklare inom barnhälsovården, Region Stockholm


Information till föräldrar på Turkiska


Sjunnestrand M, Neuman N, Järvholm K, Ek A, Nordin K, Salas XR, Eli K, Nowicka P "A balancing act": parents' longitudinal perspectives of weight-related discussions with their children following obesity treatment. BMC Public Health 2024 Jun;24(1):1695

Ek, A., Brissman, M., Nordin, K. et al. A long-term follow-up of treatment for young children with obesity: a randomized controlled trialInt J Obes. 2023: 47(11):1152-1160.

Eli K, Neovius C, Nordin K, Brissman M, Ek A. Parents' experiences following conversations about their young child's weight in the primary health care setting: a study within the STOP project. BMC Public Health. 2022 Aug 12;22(1):1540.

Neuman N, Jörnvi A, Ek A, Nordin K, Eli K, Nowicka P. Children's experiences of meals after obesity treatment: a qualitative follow-up four years after a randomized controlled trial. BMC Pediatr. 2022 Jun 14;22(1):342.

Somaraki M, Ek A, Sandvik P, Byrne P, Nowicka P., How do young children eat after an obesity intervention? Validation of the Child Eating Behaviour Questionnaire using the Rasch Model in diverse samples from Australia and Sweden, Appetite, 2021

Nowicka P, Keres J, Ek A, Nordin K, Sandvik P. Changing the Home Food Environment: Parents' Perspectives Four Years after Starting Obesity Treatment for Their Preschool Aged Child. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2021 Oct 27;18(21):11293

Nowicka P, Ek A, Grafström E, Johansson T, Nordin K, Neuman N, Reijs Richards H, Eli K. How Do Interpersonal Relationships Affect Children's Weight Management? A Qualitative Analysis of Parents' Long-Term Perceptions after Obesity Treatment. Child Obes. 2021 Nov 12. 

Sandvik P, Kuronen S, Reijs Richards H, Eli K, Ek A, Somaraki M, Nowicka P. Associations of preschoolers' dietary patterns with eating behaviors and parental feeding practices at a 12-month follow-up of obesity treatment. Appetite. 2021 Oct 2;168:105724.

Somaraki M, Ek A, Eli K, Ljung S, Mildton V, Sandvik P, Nowicka P. Parenting and childhood obesity: Validation of a new questionnaire and evaluation of treatment effects during the preschool years. PLoS One. 2021 Sep 23;16(9):e0257187.

Ek A,  Vásquez-Barquero M Y, Sandvik P, Eli K, Somaraki M, Nowicka, P. The role of parental depression during early childhood obesity treatment—Secondary findings from a randomized controlled trial Pediatric Obesity, 2020.

Somaraki, M, Eli, K, Sorjonen, K, Ek, A, Sandvik, P, Nowicka, P. Changes in parental feeding practices and preschoolers’ food habits following a randomized controlled childhood obesity trial. Appetite 2020. 104746.

Sjunnestrand M, Nordin K, Eli K, Nowicka P, Ek A. Planting a seed - child health care nurses' perceptions of speaking to parents about overweight and obesity: a qualitative study within the STOP Project. BMC Public Health 2019, 19:945.

Ek A, Nordin K, Nyström CD, Sandvik P, Eli K, Nowicka P. Responding positively to "children who like to eat": Parents' experiences of skills-based treatment for childhood obesity. 2019, 145:104488.

Sandvik P, Ek A, Eli K, Somaraki M, Bottai M, Nowicka P. Picky eating in an obesity intervention for preschool-aged children – what role does it play, and does the measurement instrument matter? Int J Beh Nutr Phys Act, Accepted 26 Aug 2019.

Ek A, Chamberlain Lewis K, Sorjonen K, Hammar U, Malek Etminan M, Sandvik P, Somaraki M, Nyman J, Lindberg L, Nordin K, Ejderhamn J, Fisher PA, Chamberlain P, Marcus C, Nowicka P. A parent treatment program for preschoolers with obesity: A randomized controlled trial. Pediatrics 2019, 144(2).

Ek A, Delisle Nystrom C, Chirita-Emandi A, Tur JA, Nordin K, Bouzas C, Argelich E, Martinez JA, Frost G, Garcia-Perez I, Saez M, Paul C, Löf M, Nowicka P. A randomized controlled trial for overweight and obesity in preschoolers: the More and Less Europe study. BMC Public Health 2019, 19:945.

Eiffener E, Eli K, Ek A, Sandvik P, Somaraki M, Kremers S, Sleddens E, Nowicka P. The influence of preschoolers’ emotional and behavioral problems on obesity treatment outcomes: Secondary findings from a randomized controlled trial. Pediatric Obes. Accepted 13 May 2019.

Sandvik, P, Ek A, Somaraki, M, Hammar U, Eli K, Nowicka P. Picky eating in Swedish preschoolers of different weight status: application of two new screening cut-offs. Int J Beh Nutr Phys Act 2018 15:74.

Somaraki M, Eli K, Sorjonen K, Flodmark C-E, Marcus C, Faith MS, Persson Osowski C, Ek A, Nowicka P. Perceived child eating behaviours and maternal migrant background. Appetite 2018 Jun 1;125:302-313.

Somaraki M, Eli K, Ek A, Lindberg L, Nyman N, Marcus C, Flodmark C-E, Pietrobelli A, Faith MS, Sorjonen K, & Nowicka P. Controlling feeding practices and maternal migrant background: An analysis of a multi-cultural sample. Public Health Nutrition 2017, 20(5):848-858.

Lindberg L, Ek A, Nyman J, Marcus C, Ulijaszek S, Nowicka P. Low grandparental social support combined with low parental economic capital is closely associated with obesity in preschool-aged children: A pilot study. Pediatric Obesity 2016 Aug;11(4):313-6.

Ek A, Sorjonen K, Eli K, Lindberg L, Nyman J, Marcus C, Nowicka P. Associations between parental concerns about preschoolers' weight and eating and parental feeding practices: Results from analyses of the Child Eating Behavior Questionnaire, the Child Feeding Questionnaire, and the Lifestyle Behavior Checklist. PLoS One. 2016 Jan 22;11(1):e0147257

Ek A, Sorjonen K, Nyman J, Marcus C, Nowicka P. Child behaviors associated with childhood obesity and parents’ self-efficacy to handle them: Confirmatory factor analysis of the Lifestyle Behavior Checklist. Int J Beh Nutr Phys Act 2015, 11;12(1):36.

Ek A, Chamberlain Lewis K, Ejderhamn J, Marcus C, Fisher PA, Chamberlain P, Nowicka P. The More and Less study: a randomized controlled trial testing different approaches to treat obesity in preschoolers. BMC Public Health, 2015, 15, 735.

Åsa Catapano