Forskarstuderande vid enheten för ortopedi och bioteknologi

Registrerade doktorander

Lukas Berglund

Synovial metabolism after knee surgery and tissue pharmacomodulation

Simon Blixt

Treatment and outcome of vertebral fractures

Robin Hansson

The evidence-based treatment for osteoporotic fractures

Siri Heijbel

Patientrapporterat utfall efter knäledsplastik: Utvärdering och validering av ett nytt score, registerstudie samt interventionsstudie

Jonas Holtenius

Polytrauma patients – Epidemiology and outcome
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Lise-Lott Larsson

Healthcare professional related factors and airborne bioparticles during arthroplasty surgeries
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Alejandro Marcano

To operate or not to operate: The invisible hand in healthcare decision making.