Utvalda publikationer vid enheten för logopedi 2023

Här kan ni se utvalda publikationer vid enheten för logopedi 2023

Effect of expiratory muscle strength training on voice and speech: An exploratory study in persons with Parkinson's disease or multiple sclerosis. Antonsson M, Johansson K, Bonde Dalemo A, Ivehorn Axelsson C, Burge Å, Lesueur U, Hartelius L
Int J Speech Lang Pathol 2023 Oct;():1-18

Orofacial dysfunction after stroke-A multidisciplinary approach. Skott P, Åkesson E, Johansson K, Dalum J, Persson E, Karlsson Å, Seiger Å, McAllister A, Sandborgh-Englund G Gerodontology 2023 Sep;():

Effect of expiratory muscle strength training on voice and speech: An exploratory study in persons with Parkinson's disease or multiple sclerosis. Antonsson M, Johansson K, Bonde Dalemo A, Ivehorn Axelsson C, Burge Å, Lesueur U, Hartelius L
Int J Speech Lang Pathol 2023 Oct;():1-18

Timing of Primary Surgery for Cleft Palate. Gamble C, Persson C, Willadsen E, Albery L, Soegaard Andersen H, Zattoni Antoneli M, Appelqvist M, Aukner R, Bodling P, Bowden M, Brunnegård K, Cairns G, Calladine S, Campbell L, Clayton-Smith J, Cooper R, Conroy E, El-Angbawi A, Kildegaard Emborg B, Enfält Wikman J, Fitzpatrick B, Fukushiro AP, Guedes de Azevedo Bento Gonçalves C, Havstam C, Hvistendahl AK, Jorgensen LD, Klinto K, Berntsen Kvinnsland M, Larham C, Lemvik J, Leturgie L, Liljerehn E, Lodge N, Lohmander A, McMahon S, Mehendale F, Miguel HC, Moe M, Nielsen JB, Nyberg J, Pedersen NH, Phippen G, Alvarez Piazentin-Penna SH, Patrick K, Pliskin L, Rigby L, Semb G, Southby L, Sporre M, Björkman Taleman AS, Tangstad J, Trindade IEK, Underwood I, van Eeden S, Westberg LR, Williamson PR, Paciello Yamashita R, Munro K, Walsh T, Shaw W, N Engl J Med 2023 Aug;389(9):795-807

Scandcleft randomized trials of primary surgery for unilateral cleft lip and palate: Speech proficiency at 10 years of age.
Willadsen E, Jørgensen LD, Alaluusua S, Pedersen NH, Nielsen JB, Hölttä E, Hide Ø, Hayden C, Havstam C, Hammarström IL, Davies J, Boers M, Andersen HS, Aukner R, Jackson Morris D, Nielsen SF, Semb G, Lohmander A, Persson C Int J Lang Commun Disord 2023 May;58(3):892-909

Models for Predicting Velopharyngeal Competence Based on Speech and Resonance Errors and Velopharyngeal Area Estimation. Scarmagnani RH, Lohmander A, Salgado MH, Fukushiro AP, Trindade IEK, Yamashita RP Cleft Palate Craniofac J 2024 Jun;61(6):965-975

Babbling in extremely premature infants at 12 months corrected age. Strandberg E, Lieberman M, Lohmander A 
Clin Linguist Phon 2024 Mar;38(1):82-96

Anomia in left hemisphere stroke, multiple sclerosis and Parkinson's disease - a comparative study. Kristensson J, Longoni F, Östberg P, Rödseth Smith S, Åke S, Saldert C Disabil Rehabil 2024 Jun;46(11):2294-2316

Eye movements are stable predictors of word reading ability in young readers Strandberg A, Nilsson M, Östberg P, Seimyr GÖ. Front. Educ. 2023;8:1077882. 

Orofacial dysfunction after stroke-A multidisciplinary approach. Skott P, Åkesson E, Johansson K, Dalum J, Persson E, Karlsson Å, Seiger Å, McAllister A, Sandborgh-Englund G Gerodontology 2023 Sep;():

Gender-Affirming Voice Training for Trans Women: Effectiveness of Training on Patient-Reported Outcomes and Listener Perceptions of Voice. Oates J, Södersten M, Quinn S, Nygren U, Dacakis G, Kelly V, Smith G, Sand A J Speech Lang Hear Res 2023 Nov;66(11):4206-4235

Fundamental frequency disturbances in female and male singers' pitch glides through long tube with varied resistances.
Sundberg J, Lã F, Granqvist S J Acoust Soc Am 2023 Aug;154(2):801-807

Long-Term Average Spectrum Characteristics of Portuguese Fado-Canção from Coimbra. Lã FMB, Silva LS, Granqvist S
J Voice 2023 Jul;37(4):631.e7-631.e15

Female Voice-Related Sexual Attractiveness to Males: Does it Vary With Different Degrees of Conception Likelihood?
Lã FMB, Polo N, Granqvist S, Cova T, Pais AC J Voice 2023 May;37(3):467.e19-467.e31

Narrative retells in Swedish school-aged children - a clinical pilot study.
Hällström E, Myr J, Hallin AE Logoped Phoniatr Vocol 2023 Apr;48(1):12-22

The Relationship Between Speech Accuracy and Linguistic Measures in Narrative Retells of Children With Speech Sound Disorders. Case J, Hallin AE J Speech Lang Hear Res 2023 Jun;():1-19

Exploring Motives and Perceived Barriers for Voice Modification: The Views of Transgender and Gender-Diverse Voice Clients. Holmberg J, Linander I, Södersten M, Karlsson F J Speech Lang Hear Res 2023 Jul;66(7):2246-2259

Åsa Catapano