Renske Altena

Renske Altena

Anknuten till Forskning | Docent
Besöksadress: BioClinicum, Visionsgatan 4, 17164 Solna
Postadress: K7 Onkologi-Patologi, K7 Forskning Bergh, 171 77 Stockholm

Om mig

  • Senior consultant in oncology and internal medicine Karolinska Comprehensive
    Cancer Center
    Clinician Scientist and principal investigator
    Associate Professor in Oncology. Principal Investigator (PI) for Cogni-Thyr
    study (NCT05088187), MIMIR-mTNBC trial (NCT05742269), as well as the PREDIX
    II HER2 trial (NCT03894007
  • terminated due to safety issues in comparable
    Deputy-PI in the HER2-PET (EU CT 2022-000486-41) and Neo-ACT (NCT05184582)
    investigator-initiated trials. In addition, I coordinate a number of
    side-studies to already running and completed clinical trials, such as a
    cognition substudy to the OptiTrain clinical trial (NCT02522260) and a
    PET-scan substudy in the PREDIX HER2 trial (NCT02568839). I am local PI for
    other multicenter clinical trials, both academic as well as
    industry-initiated studies.


  • Broadly, my ongoing research activities can be divided into two topics

  • a) Molecular nuclear imaging to improve precision medicine by refining
    therapy selection.
    b) Improved understanding of cancer treatment-related toxicities and thereby
    enhancing healthy cancer survivorship.


  • Over 170 hours teaching to undergraduate and doctoral students
    Courses - KI's Introductory Course for Doctoral Supervisors (2022)

  • Grundläggande Högskolpedagogik (2019)
  • Teach the Teacher (2012)


Alla övriga publikationer


  • Anknuten till Forskning, Onkologi-Patologi, Karolinska Institutet, 2024-2027

Examina och utbildning

  • Docent, Onkologi, Karolinska Institutet, 2023

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