Nina-Katri Gustafsson

Nina-Katri Gustafsson

Anknuten till Forskning
Besöksadress: Norra Stationsgatan 69, plan 7, 11364 Stockholm
Postadress: K8 Klinisk neurovetenskap, K8 CPF Gripenberg, 171 77 Stockholm

Om mig

  • I work as a researcher at STAD (Stockholm prevents alcohol and drug problems)
    (, a unit within the Centre for Psychiatry Research at the
    Karolinska Institutet. My research has been focused on alcohol consumption
    and related harm, alcohol policy, children of substance users and
    explanations of substance use (cultural context, situations, peer influence).
    Ph.D. in Sociology at the Department of Sociology, Stockholm University, 2010


  • *Current research projects*
    Narkotikakartläggning i 7 län [Mapping narcotic use in 7 counties]
    Barngruppstudien – En effektstudie av stödgruppsinterventioner för barn
    som anhöriga i åldern 7-13 år [The Child group study – An effect study
    of support groups interventions for kindered children aged 7-13 years]
    Ansvarsfull alkoholservering – en 25-års uppföljning [Responsible serving
    of alcohol – 25 years follow-up]
    Pilotstudie av Trefas – fördjupad samverkansmetod mot skjutvapenvåldet
    på Järva [Pilot study of Trefas – increased collaboration method against
    gun violence at Järva]
    Cannabis information för studenthälsan och utsatta områden [Cannabis
    information for student health and vulnerable areas]


  • I have taught the following courses at departments of public health,
    sociology, social work:
    Migration, integration and health*
    Youth in the late modern society: The smartphone generation from a public
    health perspective*
    Introduction to Public Health Sciences
    Social problems*
    Basic sociology*
    Foundations in Applied Statistics*
    Sociological analysis
    Basic Statistics 2*
    Evaluation methods*
    Introduction to Sociology
    Sociological Alcohol Research
    The Welfare State from a Sociological Perspective*
    Integration course: Alcohol research
    Course responsibility marked with *


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