Nina-Katri Gustafsson
About me
I work as a researcher at STAD (Stockholm prevents alcohol and drug problems)
(, a unit within the Centre for Psychiatry Research at the
Karolinska Institutet. My research has been focused on alcohol consumption
and related harm, alcohol policy, children of substance users and
explanations of substance use (cultural context, situations, peer influence).
Ph.D. in Sociology at the Department of Sociology, Stockholm University, 2010
alcohol and drug use, crime and related social problems and health consequences, children of substance users, substance use policy, crime prevention
*Current research projects*
- Group Violence Intervention: Hur upplevs strategin och dess budskap bland GVI klienter?- Riktat utvecklingsstöd till processutvärdering av Group Violence Intervention (GVI) i Huddinge, Järfälla/Upplands-Bro och Uppsala
- Barngruppstudien – En effektstudie av stödgruppsinterventioner för barn som anhöriga i åldern 7-13 år [The Child group study – An effect study
of support groups interventions for kindered children aged 7-13 years]
- Ansvarsfull alkoholservering – en 25-års uppföljning [Responsible serving of alcohol – 25 years follow-up]- Kartläggning av krogpersonalens agerande mot narkotika [Mapping interventions against drugs by restaurant staff], a 20-year follow-up of Clubs Against Drugs
- Pilotstudie av Trefas – fördjupad samverkansmetod mot skjutvapenvåldet på Järva [Pilot study of Trefas – increased collaboration method against
gun violence at Järva]*Former research projects*
- Narkotikakartläggning i 7 län [Mapping narcotic use in 7 counties]
- Cannabis information för studenthälsan och utsatta områden [Cannabis information for student health and vulnerable areas]
- Maskrosbarn: Skyddsfaktorer bland barn till föräldrar med alkoholmissbruk [Dandelion children: protection factors among children of parents with alcohol addiction]
- Studies of Migration and Social Determinants of Health (SMASH)
- FOIP: Explanations of alcohol and narcotocs use and the link to violence among young people: the interplay between person and environment
- Alcohol Public Health Research Alliance (AMPHORA) Work Package 5
- Gränslösheten och den nordiska alkoholpolitiken (GRAN), Nordic traveller imports of alcohol
- the Nordic tax study, What happened to alcohol consumption and related problems when aavailability of alcohol increased
- the Monitoring project, monitoring Swedish alcohol consumption
I have taught the following courses at departments of public health, sociology, social work:
Migration, integration and health*
Youth in the late modern society: The smartphone generation from a public
health perspective*
Introduction to Public Health Sciences
Social problems*
Basic sociology*
Foundations in Applied Statistics*
Sociological analysis
Basic Statistics 2*
Evaluation methods*
Introduction to Sociology
Sociological Alcohol Research
The Welfare State from a Sociological Perspective*
Integration course: Alcohol research
Course responsibility marked with *
- Article: SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH. 2024;52(7):884-892
- Article: FRONTIERS IN PUBLIC HEALTH. 2023;11:1178847
- Article: EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH. 2021;31(2):321-325
- Article: NORDIC STUDIES ON ALCOHOL AND DRUGS. 2014;31(2):125-139
- Article: SOCIALMEDICINSK TIDSKRIFT. 2014;91(6):35-42Mäns och kvinnors alkoholvanor i en tid av förändring - Förväntade resultat och utvecklingen decennierna efter det svenska EU-medlemsskapet
- Article: ALCOHOL AND ALCOHOLISM. 2010;45(5):456-467
- Article: JOURNAL OF STUDIES ON ALCOHOL AND DRUGS. 2010;71(1):32-40
- Article: EUROPEAN ADDICTION RESEARCH. 2010;16(3):152-161
- Journal article: NORDIC STUDIES ON ALCOHOL AND DRUGS. 2009;26(2):165-176
- Article: EUROPEAN ADDICTION RESEARCH. 2009;15(4):216-223
- Article: ADDICTION RESEARCH & THEORY. 2009;17(1):2-16
- Article: ADDICTION. 2008;103(2):181-191
- Article: NORDISK ALKOHOL- & NARKOTIKATIDSKRIFT (NAT) [NORDIC STUDIES ON ALCOHOL AND DRUGS]. 2008;25(4):253-267The frequency of drinking in different sites in different Nordic areas, and the effects on it of changes in alcohol availability
- Journal article: NORDIC STUDIES ON ALCOHOL AND DRUGS. 2004;21(1):83-85
- Article: NORDIC STUDIES ON ALCOHOL AND DRUGS. 2004;21(1):5-21
All other publications
- Report: STAD-RAPPORT. 2024Utvecklingen av skjutningar och skjutvapenvåld i Järva efter ökad samverkan: En effektutvärdering av arbetsmodellen Trefas
- Report: STAD RESEARCH REPORT. 2023En processutvärdering av Group Violence Intervention (GVI) i Huddinge, Järfälla/Upplands-Bro samt Uppsala. Delrapport [A process evaluation of Group Violence Intervention (GVI) in Huddinge, Järfälla/Upplands-Bro and Uppsala]
- Report: STAD RAPPORT. 2023Narkotikasituationen på krogen i sju län: Kartläggning och preventiva insatser
- Report: STAD RAPPORT. 2023Processutvärdering av TREFAS – förstärkt samverkan. Slutrapport
- Review: BMJ OPEN. 2020;10(10):e038388
- Other: 2017;(28)Developmental alcohol trajectories when price and availability changed
- Other: 2017Substance use framed as situational action
- Book chapter: SAMHÄLLET, ALKOHOLEN OCH DROGERNA: POLITIK, KONSTRUKTIONER OCH DILEMMAN [THE SOCIETY, THE ALCOHOL AND THE DRUGS: POLICY, CONSTRUCTIONS AND DILEMMAS]. 2012;p. 90-103Uteblivna förändringar i svenskarnas alkoholvanor – andra förklaringar än pris och tillgänglighet [Absent changes in Swedes alcohol habits – other explanations than price and availability]
- Report: ALCOHOL PUBLIC HEALTH RESEARCH ALLIANCE (AMPHORA) WORK PACKAGE 5. 2011Report of previously studied European changes in the economic and physical availability of alcohol on alcohol-related harm
- Doctoral thesis: 2010Bridging the world: Alcohol Policy in Transition and Diverging Alcohol Patterns in Sweden
- Report: SORAD RESEARCH REPORT. 2007Effects of major changes in alcohol availability: study design, data collection procedures and measurement
- Book chapter: ALKOHOLKONSUMTIONEN I SVERIGE FRAM TILL ÅR 2005 [ALCOHOL CONSUMPTION IN SWEDEN UNTIL THE YEAR 2005]. 2006;p. 43-52Vad kännetecknar köparna av alkohol som smugglats in i Sverige? [What defines buyers of alcohol which has been smuggled into Sweden?]
- Report: SORAD RESEARCH REPORT. 2005Alkoholkonsumtionen och dess olika delmängder 2004. [Alcohol consumption and its various subsets 2004]
- Report: SORAD RESEARCH REPORT. 2004Svenska folkets alkoholkonsumtion under år 2003. [The alcohol consumption of the Swedish people during 2003]
- Report: 2003Vad tycker svensken i olika alkoholpolitiska frågor? [What does the Swede think about various alcohol policy questions?]
- Report: SORAD RESEARCH REPORT. 2003En skål för det nya millenniet En studie av svenska folkets alkoholkonsumtion i början av 2000-talet. [A toast for the new millennium: A study of the Swedish people’s alcohol consumption at the beginning of the 21st century]
- Group Violence Intervention: Perceptions of the strategy and its message among GVI clientsThe Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention (Brottsförebyggande rådet)1 January 2024 - 1 January 2025
- Assignment to STAD to follow up on the work against open drug scenes in Stockholm County during the period 2022-2027Region Stockholm1 January 2023 - 31 December 2027
- Process evaluation of Group Violence Intervention in four municipalities in Sweden.The Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention1 January 2022 - 1 August 2024
- Responsible Beverage Service- a 25-year follow-upSystembolagets alkoholforskningsråd1 January 2021 - 31 December 2022
- Dandelion children: protection factors among children of parents with alcohol addictionSystembolagets Forskningsråd1 January 2019
- Swedish Research Council for Health Working Life and Welfare1 January 2014 - 31 December 2016
- Travel contribution: Kettil Bruun Society Symposium, Victoria, Canada, June 2008Swedish Research Council for Health Working Life and Welfare18 March 2008 - 30 June 2008