Heléne Sundelin

Heléne Sundelin

Anknuten till Forskning | Docent
E-postadress: helene.sundelin@ki.se
Besöksadress: ALB Q2:07, 17176 STOCKHOLM
Postadress: K6 Kvinnors och barns hälsa, K6 Neuropediatrik Wickström, 171 77 Stockholm


  • *List of all original works *
    1) Association of perinatal and childhood ischemic stroke and
    attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Bolk J, Simatou E, Söderling
    J, Thorell LB, Persson M, Sundelin H. JAMA Network Open
    2) Risk of autism after pediatric ischemic stroke: A nationwide cohort
    study. Sundelin H, Söderling J. Bang P, Bolk J., Neurology
    3) Adverse motor outcome after paediatric ischaemic stroke: A nationwide
    cohort study. Svensson K, Walås A, Bolk J, Bang P, Sundelin HEK.
    Paediatr Perinat Epidemiol. 2022 Feb 16. doi: 10.1111/ppe.12869.
    4) Long-Term Mortality in Children With Ischemic Stroke: A Nationwide
    Register-Based Cohort Study. Sundelin HEK, Walås A, Söderling J, Bang
    P, Ludvigsson JF. Stroke. 2021 Dec 8:STROKEAHA121034797. doi:
    10.1161/STROKEAHA.121.034797. Online ahead of print. PMID: 34875844
    5) Pediatric Ischemic Stroke and Epilepsy: A Nationwide Cohort Study.
    Heléne E K Sundelin, Torbjörn Tomson, Johan Zelano, Jonas Söderling,
    Peter Bang, Jonas F Ludvigsson. Stroke 2021 Nov;52(11):3532-3540. doi:
    10.1161/STROKEAHA.121.034796. Epub 2021 Sep 2.
    6) Usability and inter-rater reliability of the NeuroMotion app: A tool in
    General Movements Assessments. Katarina A Svensson, Maria Örtqvist,
    Arend F Bos, Ann-Christin Eliasson, Heléne EK Sundelin Eur J Paediatr
    Neurol 2021 Jul;33:29-35. doi: 10.1016/j.ejpn.2021.05.006. Epub 2021 May
    7) Pediatric ischemic stroke is a valid diagnosis in the Swedish National
    Patient Register. A Walås, K Svensson, M Gyris, P Bang, H Sundelin. Acta
    Paediatr. 2021 Feb 4. PMID 33539576
    8) Adaptation of the Charlson Comorbidity Index for Register-Based Research
    in Sweden. JF Ludvigsson, P Appelros, J Askling et al (H Sundelin) Clin
    Epidemiol. 2021 Jan 12;13:21-41. eCollection 2021. [Internet].
    9) Pregnancy outcome in women with cerebral palsy: A nationwide
    population‐based cohort study. H Sundelin, O Stephansson, S Johansson,
    J.F. Ludvigsson. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica ScandinavicaVolume 99,
    Issue 4 p. 518-524
    10) Pregnancy outcomes in women with autism: a nationwide population-based
    cohort study. Sundelin HE, Stephansson O, Hultman CM, Ludvigsson JF.
    Clin Epidemiol 2018:10:1817-1826. PMID: 30555264
    11) Epilepsy, antiepileptic drugs, and serious transport accidents - A
    nationwide cohort study. Sundelin H, Chang Z, Larsson H, Lichtenstein P,
    Almqvist C, Tomson T, Ludvigsson J. Neurology 2018:90(13):E1111-+. PMID:
    12) Persistent mucosal damage and risk of epilepsy in people with celiac
    disease. Kurien M, Ludvigsson JF, Sanders DS, Zylberberg HM, Green PH,
    Sundelin HEK, Lebwohl B. Eur J Neurol. 2018 Mar;25(3):592-e38. doi:
    10.1111/ene.13564. Epub 2018 Jan 24
    13) Pregnancy outcome in joint hypermobility syndrome and Ehlers-Danlos
    syndrome. Sundelin HE, Stephansson O, Johansson K, Ludvigsson JF. Acta
    Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2017 Jan;96(1):114-119. doi: 10.1111/aogs.13043.
    Epub 2016 Nov 22.
    14) Nationwide population-based cohort study of celiac disease and risk of
    Ehlers-Danlos syndrome and joint hypermobility syndrome. Laszkowska M,
    Roy A, Lebwohl B, Green PH, Sundelin HE, Ludvigsson JF.Dig Liver Dis.
    2016 Sep;48(9):1030-4. doi: 10.1016/j.dld.2016.05.019. Epub 2016 Jun 1.
    15) Autism and epilepsy: A population-based nationwide cohort study.
    Sundelin HE, Larsson H, Lichtenstein P, Almqvist C, Hultman CM, Tomson
    T, Ludvigsson JF. Neurology. 2016 Jul 12;87(2):192-7. doi:
    10.1212/WNL.0000000000002836. Epub 2016 Jun 15
    16) Extramammary Paget's disease of the vulva. Tågsjö EB, Schmidt* H,
    Malmström H, Simonsen E. Eur J Gynaecol Oncol. 1997;18(1):61-2.
    17) Flow cytometric analysis of uterine sarcoma: ploidy and S-phase rate as
    prognostic indicators. Malmström H, Schmidt* H, Persson PG, Carstensen
    J, Nordenskjöld B, Simonsen. E.Gynecol Oncol. 1992 Feb;44(2):172-7


Alla övriga publikationer


  • Anknuten till Forskning, Kvinnors och barns hälsa, Karolinska Institutet, 2023-2026

Examina och utbildning

  • Docentur, Pediatrics, Karolinska Institutet, 2022
  • Docent, Pediatrik, Karolinska Institutet, 2022
  • PhD, Örebro University, 2017

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