Håkan Hult
Anknuten till Forskning
E-postadress: hakan.hult@ki.se
Besöksadress: Baxter Novum, Hälsovägen 7, plan 5, 14186 Stockholm
Postadress: H9 Klinisk vetenskap, intervention och teknik, H9 CLINTEC Med njursjukdomar, 141 52 Huddinge
Om mig
- *Om mig och min forskning*
Min forskning är och har varit inriktad på vuxenutbildning, högre
utbildning och arbetsliv och mer specifikt om motivation och lärande,
övergången från studier till arbetsliv, lärares och simuleringspedagogers
(simuleringsinstruktörers) pedagogiska utveckling, medicinsk simulering i
allmänhet och interprofessionellt lärande vid simulering i synnerhet,
pedagogiska processer i vården samt lärande i emotionellt svåra
Jag har varit projektledare för projekt finansierade av Vetenskapsrådet och
andra finansiärer och medsökande till projekt finansierade av exempelvis
EU. Jag har under åren publicerat ett 60-tal vetenskapliga publikationer
och varit huvud- eller bihandledare till fjorton doktorander som har
- *Utvalda publikationer*
*Hult, H *The research process as a metaphor for teaching. In Maliszewski, T.,
Wojtowicz, W., Zerko, J. Anthology of Social and Behavioural Sciences. Gdansk
university, 2005.
Abrandt Dahlgren, M., *Hult, H*., Dahlgren, L.O., Hård af Segerstad, H.,
Johansson, K. From senior student to novice worker – learning trajectories
in political science, psychology and mechanical engineering. In Routledge
handbook of higher education, 2009
*Hult, H*., Lindblad Fridh, M., Lind Falk, A., Thörne, K. Pedagogical processes
in health care – an exploratory study of pedagogic work with patients and
next of kin. Education for health 22(3), 2009.
Stenfors-Hayes, T., Weurlander, M., Dahlgren, L., *Hult, H*. Medical
teachers´ professional development – perceived barriers and opportunities.
Teaching in Higher Education 15(4), 401-410, 2010
Johannesson, E., Silén, C., Kvist, J., *Hult, H*. Students´ experiences of
learning manual clinical skills through simulation. Advances in Health
Sciences Education 18(1), 99-114, 2013
Lindh Falk, A., *Hult, H*., Hammar, M., Hopwood, N., Abrandt Dahlgren, M. One
site fits all? A student ward as a learning practice for interprofessional
development. J Interprof care 27(6), 476-81, 2013
Sjölin, H., Lindström, V., *Hult, H*., Ringstedt, C., Kurland, L. What an
ambulance nurse needs to know: a content analysis of curricula in the
specialist nursing programme in prehospital emergency care. Int Emerg Nurs
23(2), 127-32, 2015
Hägg-Martinell, A*., Hult, H*., Henriksson, P., Kiessling, A. Community of
practice and student interaction at an acute medical ward: An ethnographic
study. Med Teach 38(8), 793-800, 2016
Nyström, S., Dahlberg, J., *Hult, H*., Abrandt Dahlgren, M. Enacting
simulation: A sociomaterial perspective on students´ interprofessional
collaboration. J Interprof Care 30(4), 441-447, 2016
Allvin, R., Berndtzon, M., Carlzon, L., Edelbring, S., *Hult, H*., Hultin,
M., Karlgren, K., Masiello, I., Södersved Källestedt, M-L., Tamás, É.
Confiden but not theoretically grounded – experienced simulation
educators´perceptions of their own professional development. Adv Med Educ
Pract 20(8), 99-108, 2017
Tamás, É., Södersved Källestedt, M-L., *Hult, H*., Karlgren, K., Allvin,
R. Closing the Gap – Experienced Simulation Educators Role and Impact on
Everyday Health care. Journal of Continuing Education in the Health
Professions 39, 36-41, 2019
- Article: NURSE EDUCATION IN PRACTICE. 2019;38:34-39
- Article: STUDIES IN HIGHER EDUCATION. 2016;41(3):462-477
- Article: NURSE EDUCATION IN PRACTICE. 2016;16(1):97-103
- Article: NURSE EDUCATION TODAY. 2015;35(12):1246-1251
- Article: NURSE EDUCATION TODAY. 2014;34(4):538-542
- Article: EDUCATION FOR HEALTH. 2014;27(1):15-23
- Article: JOURNAL OF INTERPROFESSIONAL CARE. 2013;27(6):476-481
- Article: EDUCATION FOR HEALTH. 2013;26(3):156-163
- Article: MEDICAL EDUCATION. 2013;47(3):261-270
- Article: EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF DENTAL EDUCATION. 2012;16(1):e151-e157
- Article: ADVANCES IN HEALTH SCIENCES EDUCATION. 2011;16(3):331-345
- Article: ADVANCES IN HEALTH SCIENCES EDUCATION. 2011;16(2):197-210
- Article: STUDIES IN HIGHER EDUCATION. 2011;36(2):153-165
- Article: MEDICAL TEACHER. 2011;33(8):e423-e428
- Article: BMC MEDICAL EDUCATION. 2010;10:91
- Article: TEACHING IN HIGHER EDUCATION. 2010;15(4):399-408
- Article: ADVANCES IN HEALTH SCIENCES EDUCATION. 2010;15(2):153-165
- Article: MEDICAL TEACHER. 2010;32(11):e509-e516
- Article: MEDICAL TEACHER. 2010;32(10):845-850
- Article: MEDICAL TEACHER. 2010;32(7):562-568
- Article: MEDICAL TEACHER. 2010;32(2):148-153
- Article: EDUCATION FOR HEALTH. 2009;22(3):199
- Article: MEDICAL TEACHER. 2009;31(11):e500-e506
- Article: HIGHER EDUCATION. 2008;55(6):623-636
- Article: STUDIES IN HIGHER EDUCATION. 2006;31(5):569-586
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