
1. Sollie S, Michaud D, Sarker D, Karagiannis S, Josephs D, Hammar N, Santaolalla A, Walldius G, Jungner I, Van Hemelrijck M. The role of the humoral immune system in pancreatic cancer (2018). Poster presented at the 25th biennial congress of the European Association for Cancer Research, Amsterdam, 30 June-3 July 2018.

2. Santaolalla A, Garmo H, Grigoriadis A, Hammar N, Jungner I, Walldius G, Lambe M, Holmberg L, Van Hemelrijck M. Metabolic profiles as risk factors to predict long-term cancer and mortality: the use of latent class analysis (2017). Poster presented at the Big Data and Health Conference, Cambridge, UK, September 25- 27.

3. Malmström H et al. American Diabetes Association, San Diego USA 2017.

4. Arthur R, Williams R, Garmo H, Holmberg L. Stattin P, Malmstrom H, Lambe M, Hammar N, Walldius G, Robinson D, Junger I, Van Hemelrijck M. Serum inflammatory markers in relation to prostate cancer severity and death in the Swedish AMORIS study (2017). Poster presented at Annual NCRI Conference, Liverpool, UK, November 5-8.

5. Bosco C, Garmo H, Hammar N, Walldius G, Ingmar J, Malmstrom H, Holmberg L, Van Hemelrijck M. Association between metabolism biomarkers measured before prostate cancer diagnosis and the occurrence of a second primary tumour: a prospective cohort study (2016). Poster presented at Annual NCRI Conference, Liverpool, UK, November 6-9. Awarded with NCRI prize.

6. Nderitu P, Bosco C, Garmo H, Holmberg L, Malmstrom H, Hammar N, Walldius G, Jungner I, Lambe M, Ross P, Van Hemelrijck M. Association between metabolic syndrome components and the risk of primary liver cancer and cirrhosis (2016). Poster presented at Annual NCRI Conference, Liverpool, UK, November 6-9.

7. Arthur R, Moller H, Garmo H, Haggstrom C, Holmberg L, Stattin P, Malmstrom H, Lambe M, Hammar N, Walldius G, Robinson D, Jungner I, Van Hemelrijck M. Serum glucose, triglycerides and cholesterol in relation to prostate cancer survival (2016). Oral presentation at “Hot Topic Conference: Obesity, Physical Activity & Cancer”, London, 1-2 September.

8. Malmström H et al. European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD), Munich, Germany 2016.

9. Wulaningsih W, Garmo H, Holmberg L, Malmstrom H, Lambe M, Hammar N, Walldius N, Jungner I, Van Hemelrijck M. Atopy and cancer risk: Insights from a prospective study on serum specific and total immunoglobulin E (2015). Poster presented at ESMO Asia Congress, Singapore, 18-21 December. Awarded with an ESMO Travel Grant.

10. Wulaningsih W, Rowley M, Holmberg L, Garmo H, Vahdaninia M, Malmstrom H, Lambe M, Hammar N, Walldius G, Jungner I, Coolen A, Van Hemelrijck M. A competing risks analysis of the association between prediagnostic serum glucose and lipids and breast cancer survival (2015). Poster presented at the San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium, San Antonio, Texas, United States, 8-12 December. Awarded with an AACR Scholar-In-Training Award.

11. Santaolalla A. Grigoriadis A, Coolen T, Holmberg L, Garmo H, Hammar N, Malmstrom H, Walldius G, Jungner I, Van Hemelrijck M. The use of latent class analysis to predict cancer risk based on panel of serum biomarkers in the Swedish AMORIS study (2015). Poster presented at the NCRI Congress, Liverpool, UK, 1-4 November.

12. Arthur R, Møller H, Garmo H, Holmberg L, Hammar N, Walldius G, Jungner I, Malmström H, Lambe M, Van Hemelrijck M. Hyperglycaemia is associated with intermediate and high grade prostate cancer among Swedish men (2015). Poster presented at the NCRI Congress, Liverpool, UK, 1-4 November.

13. Arthur R, Møller H, Garmo H, Holmberg L, Hammar N, Walldius G, Jungner I, Malmström H, Lambe M, Van Hemelrijck M. High serum glucose and triglycerides are associated with increased risk of severe prostate cancer among Swedish men (2015). Poster presented at the 18th ECCO - 40th ESMO European Cancer Congress, Vienna, Austria, 25-29 September.

14. Wulaningsih W, Holmberg L, Garmo H, Malmstrom H, Lambe M, Hammar N, Walldius G, Jungner I, Van Hemelrijck M. Serum lactate dehydrogenase and survival following cancer diagnosis (2015). Poster presented at the 18th ECCO - 40th ESMO European Cancer Congress, Vienna, Austria, 25-29 September. Awarded with an ESMO Travel Fellowship.

15. Rohrmann S, Garmo H, Malmstrom H, Hammar N, Jungner I, Walldius G, Van Hemelrijck M. Association between serum calcium concentrations and risk of incident and fatal myocardial infarction and stroke in the AMORIS Cohort (2015). Poster presented at the 83rd European Atherosclerosis Society Congress, Glasgow, Scotland, 22-25 March.

16. Malmström H et al. Nordic Diabetes Society. 2015.

17. Wulaningsih W, Michaelsson K, Garmo H, Hammar N, Jungner I, Walldius G, Lambe M, Holmberg L, Van Hemelrijck M. Serum calcium and risk of gastrointestinal cancer in the Swedish AMORIS study (2013). Abstract presented at ESMO: 15th World Congress on Gastrointestinal Cancer, Barcelona, Spain, 3-6 July. Awarded with an ESMO Developing Nations Travel Award.

18. Wulaningsih W, Garmo H, Holmberg L, Hammar N, Jungner I, Walldius G, Van Hemelrijck M. Serum lipids and glucose and the risk of gastrointestinal malignancies in the Swedish AMORIS study (2013). Abstract selected for an oral presentation at the Young Investigator Award session of the International Digestive Disease Forum, Hong Kong, 8-9 June. Awarded with a Young Investigator Travel Award.

19. Wulaningsih W, Michaelsson K, Garmo H, Hammar N, Jungner I, Walldius G, Holmberg L, Van Hemelrijck M. Inorganic phosphate and risk of cancer in the Swedish AMORIS study (2013). Abstract presented at the Seoul International Congress of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Seoul, Korea, 2-5 June. Awarded with Korean Endocrine Society Travel Award.

20. Wulaningsih W, Holmberg L, Garmo H, Zethelius B, Wigertz A, Carroll P, Lambe M, Hammar N, Walldius G, Jungner I, Van Hemelrijck M. Serum glucose and fructosamine in relation to risk of cancer (2013). Poster presented at the 5th International Congress on Prediabetes and the Metabolic Syndrome, Vienna, Austria, 18-20 April.

21. Melvin J, Rodrigues C, Holmberg L, Garmo H, Hammar N, Jungner I, Walldius G, Lambe M, Jassem W, Van Hemelrijck M. Gamma-glutamyl transferase and C-reactive protein as alternative markers of metabolic abnormalities and their associated comorbidities (2013). Poster presented at the 5th International Congress on Prediabetes and the Metabolic Syndrome, Vienna, Austria, 18-20 April.

22. Melvin JC, Rodrigues C, Holmberg L, Garmo H, Hammar N, Jungner I, Walldius G, Lambe M, Van Hemelrijck M (2012). GGT & CRP as markers for the metabolic syndrome: a large cohort study in the Swedish AMORIS database. Poster presented at the Survival Analysis Conference for Junior Researchers, Leicester, 2-3 April.

23. Van Hemelrijck M, Hermans R, Michaelsson K, et al (2012). Serum calcium and incident and fatal prostate cancer in the swedish AMORIS study. Poster presented at the ASCO Genitourinary Cancers Symposium, San Francisco, CA, 2-4 February.

24. Seth D, Garmo H, Wigertz A, Holmberg L, Hammar N, Jungner I, Lambe M, Walldius G, Van Hemelrijck M (2011). Lipid profiles and the risk of endometrial cancer in the Swedish AMORIS study. Poster presented at the AICR 2011 Annual Research Conference on Food, Nutrition, Physical Activity and Cancer, Washington, DC, 3-4 November.

25. Van Hemelrijck M, Jungner I, Walldius G, et al (2011). Risk of prostate cancer is not associated with levels of C-reactive protein and other commonly used markers of inflammation. Poster presented at the 26th Annual Congress of the EAU, Vienna, Austria, 18-22 March.

26. Van Hemelrijck M, Garmo H, Hammar N, et al (2011). Lipid profiles and the risk of kidney cancer in the Swedish AMORIS study. Poster presented at the ASCO Genitourinary Cancers Symposium, Orlando, FL, 17-19 February.

27. Van Hemelrijck M, Holmberg L, Hammar N, et al (2010). C-reactive protein for the early detection of cancer and cancer prognosis. Poster presented at the AACR Future of Molecular Epidemiology Conference, Miami, FL, 6-9 June.

28. Van Hemelrijck M, Walldius G, Jungner I, et al (2010). The association between apolipoprotein A-I and prostate cancer in the Swedish AMORIS study. Poster presented at the AACR Future of Molecular Epidemiology Conference, Miami, FL, 6-9 June.

29. Van Hemelrijck M, Garmo H, Holmberg L, et al (2010). Risk of prostate cancer in the Swedish AMORIS study: The interplay between triglycerides, total cholesterol, and glucose. Abstract nominated as one of the three best EAU papers and nominated for Second Prize for the Best Abstract (Oncology) at the 25th Annual Congress of the EAU, Barcelona, Spain, 16-20 April.

30. Walldius G, Jungner I. The apoB/apoA-I ratio - A new predictor of fatal stroke, myocardial infarction and other ischaemic diseases - Stronger than LDL and lipid ratios. Atherosclerosis Supplements. 2006;7(3):468.

31. Holme I, Semb AG, Aastveit AH, Jungner I, Pedersen TR, Walldius G. Lipid levels as predictors of development of rheumatoid arthritis in the AMORIS population. Atherosclerosis Supplements 2007;8(1):230.

32. Semb AG, Walldius G, Aastveit AH, Jungner I, Pedersen TR, Holme I. ApoB/apoA-1 is more predictive of AMI in rheumatois arthritis than LDL-C or NonHDL-C/HDL-C in the AMORIS study. Atherosclerosis Supplements 2007;8(1):230.

33. Walldius G, Jungner I, Astveit A, Holme I, Sniderman A. Increased risk of fatal myocar­dial infarction related to high triglycerides, high ApoB and low ApoA-I in the AMORIS study. Diabetes 2002; 51 (suppl 2): A20.

34. Walldius G, Jungner I, Holme I, Aastveit, Kolar W, Steiner E. High apolipoprotein (apo) B and low apoA-i improve the prediction of fatal myocardial infarction at all levels of cholesterol and triglycerides – mortality data from the AMORIS Apolipoprotein-related­MOrtality RISk) study. Atherosclerosis 2000; 151: 237.

35. Jungner I, Marcovina SM, Walldius G, Holme I, Kolar W, Steiner E. Apolipoprotein B and A-I values in 147 576 Swedish males and females standardized according to The WHO-IFCC International Reference Material. Clin Chem 1998; 44/6:A82.

36. Walldius G, Jungner I, Kolar W, Steiner E, Holme I, Marcovina SM. Apolipoprotein B och A-I kan/bör ersätta LD- och HDL-kolesterol som riskfaktorer för CAD. Resultat från nya internationellt standardiserade mätningar på 147 576 svenska män och kvinnor. Hygiea 1998.

37. Jungner I, Kolar W, Steiner E, Walldius G. Förbättrad diagnostik av aterogena blodfettsrubb­ningar med apolipoprotein (apo) B och A-1. Hygiea 1996; 105-3:215.

38. Walldius G, Jungner I, Kolar W, Steiner E. Apolipoprotein (apo) B och kvoten apoB/A-I star­kare riskfaktorer än kolesterol och triglycerider. Hygiea 1996; 105-1:214.

39. Walldius G, Jungner I, Kolar W, Steiner E. Höga kolesterol och triglycerider samt rubbat apolipoproteinmönster utgör riskfaktorer för hjärtinfarkt upp till över 80-års ålder. Hygiea 1995;104-105.

40. Walldius G, Jungner I, Kolar W, Steiner E. Högt apolipoprotein (apo) B och lågt apo A-1 pre­dikterar fatal hjärtinfarkt - diagnostiska komplement till serumlipider. Hygiea 1994; 103-1:203.

41. Walldius G, Jungner I, Kolar W, Steiner E. Multipla lipoproteinabnormiteter hos patienter med ”normalt” serumkolesterol – kliniska implikationer. Hygiea 1993; 102-3:196.

42. Walldius G, Jungner I, Holme I, Kolar W, Steiner E. Kombinerad hyperlipidemi ökar ris­ken att dö i akut hjärtinfarkt 12 ggr bland 50-59 åriga män visar prospektiv studie (AMORIS). Hygiea 1992; 101-2:200.

43. Walldius G, Jungner I, Holme I, Kolar W, Steiner E. Sänkt apolipoprotein A-1 (HDL) är en stark riskfaktor för akut fatal hjärtinfarkt (AMI) hos både män och kvinnor. Hygiea 1992; 101-2:204.

44. Walldius G, Jungner I, Kolar W, Steiner E. Apolipoprotein B (Apo B) as an atherogenic risk indicator in 30,565 subjects – better than total serum cholesterol. Clin Chem 1991; 37/6:926.

45. Walldius G, Jungner I, Holme I, Kolar W, Steiner E. Långtidsuppföljning av lipid/apolipoproteinrubbningar bland över 300.000 svenska män och kvinnor. AMORIS (Apolipoprotein related Mortality Risk Study). Hygiea 1991; 100-2:180.

46. Walldius G, Jungner I, Holme I, Kolar W, Steiner E. Höga kolesterol- och triglyceridvär­den hos män ökar risk för död i hjärtinfarkt. AMORIS (Apolipoprotein related Mortality Risk Study) II. Hygiea 1991; 100-2:184.

47. Walldius G, Jungner I, Kolar W och Steiner E. Apolipoprotein B och A-1 vid diagnostik och behandling av hyperlipidemia. Vårmöte Klinisk Kemi, Uppsala, maj 1990.

48. Walldius G, Jungner I, Kolar W, Steiner E. Characteization of a high atherogenic risk popula­tion by apolipoprotein B determinations. J Intern Med 1990; 238-suppl 733:74.

49. Walldius G, Jungner I, Kolar W, Steiner E. Högt Apolipoprotein (apo) B och lågt Apo A-1 vid kombinerad blodfettrubbning – stark aterogen risk. Hygiea 1990; 99-1:161.

50. Walldius G, Jungner I, Kolar W, Steiner E. Apolipoprotein B (Apo B) är lämpligare än total­kolesterol som aterogen riskindikator. Hygiea 1990; 99-1:162.

51. Walldius G, Jungner I, Kolar W & Steiner E. Apolipoprotein (APO) B och APO A-1 vid diagnostik och behandling av hyperlipoproteinemi – behandlingsschema för hyperkolestero­lemi anpassat för bestämningar av apolipoprotein-fraktioner. Hygiea 1990; 99-1:162.

52. Walldius G, Jungner I, Kolar W, Steiner E. Fasteprov ej nödvändigt för bestämning av koles­terol och apolipoproteiner (apo B, apo A-1) vid utredning av hjärt-kärlrisk. Hygiea 1989; 98-5:183.

53. Walldius G, Jungner I, Kolar W, Steiner E. Referensvärden för apolipoprotein B vid utred­ning/behandling av blodfettrubbningar. Hygiea 1989; 98-5:183.

54. Walldius G, Jungner I, Kolar W, Steiner E. Bestämning av Apo A-1 ger väsentlig informa­tion vid diagnostik av blodfettrubbningar. Hygiea 1989;98-5:183.

55. Jungner I, Kolar W, Steiner E, Walldius G. 30% av männen och 25% av kvinnorna i den svenska befolkningen har lipidrubbningar. Hygiea 1989; 98-5:183.

56. Jungner I, Walldius G. ”Hjärt-kärlrisk” bedömd med apolipoprotein och lipidanalyser. Hygiea 1987; 96-6:181.

57. Walldius G, Jungner I. Samtidig förekomst av patologiskt lipoproteinstatus och ”rutinpro­ver” i blod - ökad utrednings/terapi indikation. Hygiea 1987; 96-6:182.

58. Walldius G, Jungner I, Steiner E. Apo-proteinbestämning vid diagnostik av hyperkolesterolemi och prediktion av koronarsjukdom. Hygiea 1988; 97-1:192.

59. Jungner I & Walldius G. Relations between a high Apo B/A-1 ratio and hyperlipidemia. Scand J Clin & Lab Invest 1986:suppl.

60. Walldius G, Jungner I. Hög apo B/apo A-1 kvot vid hyperlipoproteinemi – ökad risk för CAD? Hygiea 1986; 94-6:170.

Miranda Beck