PIF - user guidelines

PIF together with PKL provides advanced imaging techniques and a full range of preclinical study services, aiming to deliver high quality preclinical data and therefore promote translational research.

Service and Work Flow

Illustration showing the work flow at PIF.

Work flow

Request consultation/initiate a request by contacting us at ying.zhao.1@ki.se.

PIs must have valid ethical approval that includes the imaging procedures. Contact PKL Named Animal Care and Welfare Officer (NACWO) for consultation of the ethical application prior submission.

After the approval of the ethical permit, a project meeting between the PI and researchers, PKL NACWO, veterinarian, animal technician and PIF staff is required before initiation the projects. Please arrange the project meeting with NACWO.  After the project meeting, animals can be ordered/ transferred according to the guidelines and quarantine requirement.

PKL access is granted after the evaluation of Laboratory Animal Science (LAS) training and introduction to PKL/PIF unit.

Detailed guidelines for scheduling imaging sessions will be provided after the initial consultation.

PIF staff will arrange all the steps related to the imaging experiments.

Imaging data is automatically backed up to PIF server.

Depending on the investigator's needs, imaging data will be converted to the required format and provided via an internet-accessible data server. Upon request, PIF personnel may advise and provide training for image analysis.

PIF can assist in preparing images and videos, describing methods, as well as helping in proposals/grant applications. All imaging studies performed must acknowledge PIF in manuscripts and/or presentations.

Data Management and Workflow

Illustration showing how data is managed at PIF.

User fees and billing

The user fees for Swedish academics are subsidized and based on the cost of consumables, university OH, and part of the cost for the staff’ time. Commercial users pay full costs.

How to acknowledge PIF

To support PIF in future evaluations and applications, all users are required to acknowledge services performed at PIF in manuscripts submitted for publication.

Example of acknowledgment text:

“XXXX scans were performed and analyzed at the Preclinical Imaging Facility (PIF) / Preclinical Laboratory (PKL), at Karolinska University Hospital (Sweden), supported by Karolinska Forskning och Utbildning."

Content reviewer:
Ying Zhao