About KCTT Transgenic Core Facility

The KCTT Transgenic Core Facility provides services in the field of transgenic mouse technologies including the generation, rederivation, and cryopreservation of genetically modified mouse strains. KCTT organizationally belongs to Comparative Medicine and currently employs six staff members.

Meet our team

Stephan Teglund, PhD, Docent

Scientific Director and Facility Manager

Phone: +46 (0)8-524 811 57

Email: kctt@km.ki.se

History, collaboration, and funding


KCTT was established in the year 2000 by the merger of the then two independent transgenic facilities EG Unit and MouseCamp at the KI campuses Flemingsberg and Solna, respectively, which each has a history going back to the beginning of the 1990s.

In 2011, KCTT was administratively transferred to Comparative Medicine from the previous host Departments BioNut in Flemingsberg and CMB in Solna.


For generation of GMM mice with the CRISPR/Cas technology, we collaborate with CRISPR Functional Genomics (CFG). CFG can provide the service of designing the editing strategy, including gRNA(s) and any repair template before we conduct the subsequent steps necessary to generate the new GMM strain.

For GMM strain rederivations and cryopreservations, we collaborate closely with the Import Portal (Portalen) at the KM-Wallenberg (KM-W) animal facility, which is the entry point for any live mice being imported for further processing by us according to your request.

We are a partner and node of the European Mouse Mutant Archive (EMMA), a repository for archiving and distribution of mutant mouse strains. We store a subset of EMMA’s over 8700 GMM strains in our cryobank at KI, which are searchable at the EMMA web site.

We also collaborate with the Murine Stem Cell Unit (MSCU) at the Karolinska Institutet Stem Cell Organoid (KISCO) facility that can perform directed differentiation and organoid development of new mESC lines that we can derive for you.


KCTT is mainly financed by KI core facility grant and user service fees.

Contact and visit us

The KCTT Transgenic Core Facility is situated at KI campus Solna, Nobels väg 16 (KM-C) and von Eulers väg 5 (KM-W).


Main office at KM-C: +46 (0)8-524 873 26


General queries: kctt@km.ki.se

New GMM strain production queries: kctt-mi@km.ki.se

GMM strain cryopreservation & rederivation queries: kctt-cryo@km.ki.se

ES & MEF cell queries: kctt-esc@km.ki.se


Main visiting: Nobels väg 16, Solna, Sweden

Postal: KCTT, Comparative Medicine, Karolinska Institutet, SE-171 77 Stockholm, Sweden

Delivery, dry shippers with cryopreserved material: KCTT, KM-Wallenberg, Karolinska

 Institutet, von Eulers väg 5c, SE-171 65, Solna, Sweden

Delivery, all other goods and empty dry shippers: KCTT, Biomedicum goods reception, 

Karolinska Institutet, Tomtebodavägen 16, SE-171 65 Solna, Sweden

Content reviewer:
Komparativ Medicin