Histocore - about us
A histological and immunohistochemical facility located in Biomedicum, offering competences and equipment for histology, immunohistochemistry, and RNAscope.

Please contact us by email at histocore-biomedicum@ki.se if you have general questions about our services, or you wish to receive access to the facility after the completed training.
Meet our team
Camilla Svensson
Director, ProfessorNino Gopi Daisy Bai
Laboratory EngineerEmma Mondoc
Research engineerContact and visit us
Our core facility is located in Biomedicum, House B on floor 5, room B0517. Please contact us by email or by phone if you have general questions about our services, or if you wish to receive access to the facility after the completed training.
Email: histocore-biomedicum@ki.se
Phone: +46 (0)70-778 6635 or +46 (0)70-230 8738
Visiting address: Karolinska Institutet, Biomedicum, floor 5, Quarter B, Solnavägen 9, 171 65 Solna
Goods delivery/dock: Please send parcels to Histological Core Facility (Histocore), B5, Tomtebodavägen 16, 171 65 Solna
Postal address: Karolinska Institutet, Histological Core Facility – Histocore) in Biomedicum, SE-117 11 Stockholm
For guests that do not have access to the facility but wish to visit us, please go to the Biomedicum Reception on floor 3, who will then contact us, and we will pick you up at the entrance.