About the zebrafish core facility
The zebrafish core facility was established in 2005 and is today the largest zebrafish core facility in the Nordic countries.
Our staff
We are seven staff that work at the zebrafish core facility and all of us have extensive experience with zebrafish husbandry and zebrafish specific research techniques. Our team consists of experts for rearing and husbandry, for cryopreservation and IVF, for xenotransplantation and aquatic technique.
The head of the zebrafish core facility, Lars Bräutigam, has received his PhD at Karolinska Institutet and worked as a postdoc and project manager in different research groups. He has a background in biochemistry, redox chemistry and translational medicine, and more than 20 years of experience in using the zebrafish animal model in various research areas. Here you can find Lars’ publication list.
Our husbandry systems
The zebrafish core facility built a new high-end facility in early 2020. The facility consists of different animal and experimental units and a barrier system to ensure biosafety for all our animals. Here are some of the rooms available at the facility:
- The main fish room
Here we keep our breeding colony and only core facility staff is allowed to work with the animals.
- The quarantine
Here we keep all imported animals until they have been cleared by our health-care provider and designated veterinarian.
- The procedure room
Here we run larger in vivo studies for our customers. Only staff has access to the room.
- The open-access room
This is a terminal barrier for experimental animals. Researchers have access 24/7.
- The BSL-2 lab
A special animal room for high-containment studies
- The injection lab
A wet-lab for microinjections and other procedures on embryonic and adult zebrafish.
Guided tours
Are you interested in visiting our zebrafish facility and learn about how a large-scale zebrafish unit works? We regularly provide guided tours for researchers, stakeholders and laymen. Contact the core facility office for booking a guided tour!

Lars Bräutigam
Scientific Director