Clinical Genomics Stockholm Core Facility / GMCK - about us
Our activities focus on applying and validating high-throughput genomic technologies for future implementation into clinical diagnostics within the health-care system.
The Clinical Genomics facility in Stockholm was established in 2013 as a spin out from the NGI facility due to the increased demand for services from the health care sector and the need to establish at service profile at SciLifeLab, specifically addressing the needs of translational research and health-care.
Meet our team
Valtteri Wirta
Head of unit and Platform Scientific DirectorMaria Revenikioti
Project CoordinatorAnna Gellerbring
Project CoordinatorAnna Lyander
Head of LaboratoryContact
The Department of Microbiology, Tumor and Cell biology at Karolinska Institutet hosts the Clinical Genomics Stockholm Core Facility.
Core facility telephone: +46 (0)8–524 81 500
Inquiries about new projects: contact Valtteri Wirta or Maria Revenikioti
Inquiries (about new or ongoing analyzes within existing projects):
Mailing address: SciLifeLab, Clinical Genomics, Gamma 4, PO Box 1031, SE-171 21 Solna
Visiting address: SciLifeLab, Clinical Genomics, Gamma 4, Tomtebodavägen 23A, 171 65 Solna
External website: