StratNeuro funding initiatives
StratNeuro is the strategic research area neuroscience at Karolinska Institutet, Umeå University and KTH for integrating clinical and basic research and to foster a new generation of leaders and scientists in translational neuroscience.
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Previous calls
Call for applications: StratNeuro Collaborative Neuroscience Grant
StratNeuro Call 2024: Funding for postdoctoral researchers
Stratneuro announces grants for New Technologies
Starting Grant
- StratNeuro aims to support recruitment of new group leaders with an outstanding track record in the neuroscience area. StratNeuro therefore invites researchers, who conduct research in the neuroscience area and have been granted a Karolinska Institutet Faculty Funded Assistant Professor position, or a Starting grant from VR (Swedish research council) to apply for a start-up grant of 500.000 SEK/year for 2 years.
- StratNeuro also aims to provide a competitive startup funding package to promote external recruitments, and to support international researchers who aim to establish their group at KI. StratNeuro therefore invites external researchers who have been granted a VR (Swedish research council) Starting grant or a Karolinska Institutet Faculty Funded Assistant Professor position to apply for 2 million SEK (startup grant SEK 1 million/year for 2 years).
Contact to apply.
Recently awarded Starting grants
Starting Grant for Clinical Researchers
StratNeuro aims support clinically active researchers in neuroscience at KI and who have been granted a “Klinisk forskare” or a “Högre klinisk forskare” grant from Region Stockholm. Researchers who fulfil these criteria are invited to apply for our start-up grant of 250.000 SEK/year for 2 years.
Contact to apply.
Recently awarded Starting grants to Clinical researchers
Collaborative Neuroscience Projects
This funding is aimed towards multidisciplinary collaborations for high risk/high impact research projects in all areas of neuroscience.
Recently awarded Collaborative Grants
Funding for Postdoctoral Researchers
This StratNeuro funding aims to support outstanding postdoctoral researchers in basic and clinical neuroscience who are already conducting research at KI and need support to continue and complete their projects.
Recently awarded Postdoctoral Researcher Grants
Bridging Grant
The StratNeuro Bridging Grant at the consolidator level is a funding initiative where StratNeuro awards up to two consolidator level grants to support outstanding researchers in the field of neuroscience at Karolinska Institutet.
The StratNeuro Bridging Grant provides two-year funding at the consolidator level, SEK 2 400 000 in total.
Recently awarded Bridging grants
New Technologies grant
The grant is intended to support investigators to pursue innovative and high-risk projects focused on developing new technologies and methods to study the nervous system. Proposals can include a collaboration partner when it is necessary for the technology development. StratNeuro aims to fund a diverse and gender-balanced group of investigators.
Funded projects are expected to openly disseminate the new technologies to advance research across many neuroscience laboratories in the StratNeuro network.
Recently awarded New Technologies grant
Visiting scholar grant
The StratNeuro Visiting Scholars funding aims to attract outstanding scholars from non-Swedish universities for short-term visits (1-6 months long). This call aims to strengthen international collaborations and scientific exchange in the StratNeuro community.
For the Visiting Scholar this is an opportunity to engage with neuroscientists at the Karolinska Institutet.
More information
NeurotechEU grants
To foster fresh collaborations and interactions across the NeurotechEU network, the KI NeurotechEU group is introducing funding opportunities for short-term visits by KI faculty and researchers as well as travel awards for PhD students and postdocs.
These visits aim to facilitate the planning or execution of collaborative endeavors with NeurotechEU partners. The grant can be used to cover costs for transportation and accommodation at the host site for the proposed period (minimum 3 days) with a maximum amount of 25 000 SEK.
A requirement to qualify for the KI NeurotechEU collaboration grant is to collaborate with one or more partners within the NeurotechEU consortium: Radboud University (The Netherlands), Universidad Miguel Hernández (Spain), Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn (Germany), Boğaziçi Üniversitesi (Turkey), Universitatea de Medicină și Farmacie din Cluj-Napoca (Romania), Université de Lille (France) and Háskólinn í Reykjavík (Iceland).