Funding for Research in Health Care Sciences 2025

The application period is closed.

SFO-V announces fundings for Research in Health Care Sciences, for researchers in one or more of the SFO-Vs four core areas for the year 2025.

Genre image by Nattanan Kanchanprat downloaded from Pixabay. Photo: Creative Commons CC0

Research within SFO-V is focused on four core areas:

  •  Co-creation - of services, processes and products refers to collaborative activities and approaches that strive to facilitate users, i.e. any stakeholder in issues related to health, disease and illness, working together on equal terms to create value, based on their different types of knowledge and experience.
  • Self-management - refers to a person’s ability to manage the symptoms, treatment, physical and psychological consequences, and life-style changes inherent in living with a health condition.
  • eHealth - refers to the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) for health and health-related fields, including health care services, health surveillance, health communication, health education and research.
  • Bio-behavioural health care science - refers to the intercept of health care sciences with biological and behavioural sciences, to study the complex interactions among biological, social, behavioural and environmental factors and their effects on outcome to address issues of relevance for health care sciences.

Announcement of funding for research 2025

SFO-V announces funds for Research in Health Care Sciences, for researcher in SFO-Vs four core areas for 2025. 

  • Blue sky Grant is a new strategic investment that requires the projects to according to scientific evaluation, not only to be of high quality but also to be innovative and pioneering where higher risk taking is acceptable. A Blue Sky Grant should be aimed towards discovering something new beyond what is already known in the research community meaning high risk and high reward, that cannot yet attract funding from conventional funding agencies, but is likely to attract substantial funding in case of success. The explicit aim should be to obtain proof-of-principle/feasibility within the duration of the project. The project should not be a continuation or expansion of already funded projects. However, a general thematic alignment to the applicant’s previous research is possible

    The Blue Sky grant call will consider all types of research projects relevant to the health care field and within each one of the four strategic core areas after a national/international scientific review of the applications. During 2025 Blue Sky Grants will be funded with up to 800 000 SEK including INDI, around 5 research grants will be awarded.
  • Theoretical and conceptual development. Theoretical and conceptual development. Grant will be awarded to projects that intends to contribute substantially to long-term development of Theory and concepts of Health Care Sciences. Funding is granted within each one of the four strategic core areas after national/international scientific review of the applications. During 2025 around 6 research grants will be funded with up to 800 000 SEK including INDI, During 2025 BlueSky Grants will be funded with up to 800 000 SEK including INDI, around 5 research grants will be awarded.

Disposition time

  • Funds awarded must be expended within the same calendar year of allocation. For instance, any funding allocated in 2025 should be fully utilized no later than March 31, 2026.

Eligibility requirements 

The main applicant should be employed at KI forat least 50% and conduct research in one of the four core areas that has a well-developed national and international network in healthcare science. 

  • Only one application per applicant will be accepted. (In addition researchers can be co-applicants for 1 application.)
  • Applicants or co-applicants with existing SFO-V funding from previous project funding calls with a yet to be expired disposition time can apply for blue sky if it is clarified in the application that project differs  from existing funding from SFO-V. 
  • Applicants or co-applicants with existing SFO-V funding from previous project funding calls with a yet to be expired disposition time can not apply for theoretical and conceptual development. 

Scientific review 

The scientific review will be carried out by experts who will rank the applications on basis of the following criteria:

  • Relevance for at least one of SFO-Vs four core areas in health care research
  • The scientific quality of the project.
  • Innovation and originality.
  • Applicant's overall competence.
  • Feasibility.
  • For the Blue Sky applications: the Blue Sky nature of the project, each with a score from one to five (1= Weak, 2= Good, 3 = Very good, 4 = Excellent, 5 = Outstanding)
  • For Theoretical and conceptual developmentthe relevance for theoretical and conceptual development within health care science with a score from one to five (1= Weak, 2= Good, 3 = Very good, 4 = Excellent, 5 = Outstanding).


The application form and all supplements (font Times New Roman > 11), should be written in English. The application will be registered in Prisma where the following documents should be uploaded. 

Supplement 1: Project plan for 2025. 

Supplement 2: CV of the main applicant and up to one co-applicant, maximum 2 pages each 

Supplement 3: A list of up to 10 of the main applicant’s most relevant publications of relevance for this application

Supplement 4: English abstract, maximum 1 page

Supplement 5: Budget (excel template)

Incomplete and/or too late received applications will not be handled. 

Further information

For further information please contact Staffan Josephsson, professor and director for the Strategic Research Program in Health Care Sciences, Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society (NVS), Karolinska Institutet. 

E-mail address: 
Phone: 08-524 837 54 

The application portal will be closed February 17th 2025. Decision will be announced April 1th 2025.

Welcome with your application at: Startsida Prisma (


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