Funding for Research in Health Care Sciences 2024-25
SFO-V announces fundings for Research in Health Care Sciences, for researchers in one or more of the SFO-Vs four core areas for the years 2024-2025.

Research within SFO-V is focused on four core areas:
- Co-creation - of services, processes and products refers to collaborative activities and approaches that strive to facilitate users, i.e. any stakeholder in issues related to health, disease and illness, working together on equal terms to create value, based on their different types of knowledge and experience.
- Self-management - refers to a person’s ability to manage the symptoms, treatment, physical and psychological consequences, and life-style changes inherent in living with a health condition.
- eHealth - refers to the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) for health and health-related fields, including health care services, health surveillance, health communication, health education and research.
- Bio-behavioural health care science - refers to the intercept of health care sciences with biological and behavioural sciences, to study the complex interactions among biological, social, behavioural and environmental factors and their effects on outcome to address issues of relevance for health care sciences.
Announcement of funding for research 2024-2025
SFO-V announces fundings for Research in Health Care Sciences, for researchers in SFO-Vs four core areas for the years 2024-2025.
- Project Grants will be awarded to projects that intend to contribute to long-term development of Health Care Sciences Research at KI and to provide junior researchers access to creative and established research environments. Funding is granted for projects within our strategic core areas after national/international scientific review of the applications. During 2024 around 10 applications for research will be funded with up to 600 000 SEK including INDI. If funding is available a possible extension for 2025 with 600 000 SEK including INDI will be possible, if requested reports are delivered and approved.
Disposition time
- Funds awarded must be expended within the same calendar year of allocation. For instance, any funding allocated in 2024 should be fully utilized no later than December 31, 2024.
Eligibility requirements
- The main applicant should be employed at KI for at least 50%.
- Only one application per applicant will be accepted. (Researchers can be co-applicants up to two applications.)
- Applicants or co-applicants with existing SFO-V funding from previous project funding calls with a yet to be expired disposition time are not eligible.
Scientific review
The scientific review will be carried out by experts who will rank the applications on basis of the following criteria:
- Relevance for at least one of SFO-Vs four core areas in health care research
- The scientific quality of the project.
- Innovation and originality.
- Applicant's overall competence.
- Feasibility.
The application form and all supplements (font Times New Roman > 11), except Swedish abstract, should be written in English. The application will be registered in Prisma where the following documents should be uploaded.
Supplement 1: Project plan for 2024 and possible extension 2025.
Supplement 2: CV of the main applicant and up to one co-applicant, maximum 2 pages each
Supplement 3: A list of up to 10 of the main applicant’s most relevant publications of relevance for this application
Supplement 4: Swedish abstract, maximum 1 page
Incomplete and/or too late received applications will not be handled.
Project plan – supplement 1
The project plan should be written on about 20,000 characters, maximum 5 pages plus references and include necessary information for the assessment of the scientific quality, feasibility and organization and management of the project as well as the relevance for SFO-V considering its focus and core areas. It should thus include background, clear aim, specified research questions, methods, relevance and time plan with deliverables.
Curriculum vitae – supplement 2
Include CV for the main applicant and up to one co applicant, written according to instructions for KI qualifications portfolio, maximum 2 pages each.
Publication list – supplement 3
Include a publication list, from the main applicant including the 10 most relevant publications for this application.
Swedish abstract – supplement 4
Include a Swedish abstract, with a Swedish title, maximum 1 page. Abstracts of all granted projects will be published at the SFO-V webpage after decision on funding.
Further information
For further information please contact Staffan Josephsson, professor and director for the Strategic Research Program in Health Care Sciences, Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society (NVS), Karolinska Institutet.
E-mail address:
Phone: 08-524 837 54
Application deadline is on 21 May 2024.
Welcome with your application at: Startsida Prisma (