Extended postnatal home visiting programme

The Rinkeby extended home visiting programme was created in 2013 as an answer to persisting health inequities among children in Stockholm County. The programme was offered to all first-time parents in Rinkeby, where socio-economic and health indicators were among the worst in the county.

The implementation was carried out in collaboration between child health care nurses from the CHC centre and parental advisors from the social services, an innovation in the Swedish context.

Project group members

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Madelene Barboza

Affiliated to Research
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Bo Burström

Professor/Senior Physician
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Kristina Burström

Affiliated to Research
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Asli Kulane

Senior Lecturer
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Lene Lindberg

Adjunct Senior Lecturer

Anneli Marttila

Affiliated to Research
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Asli Kulane

Senior Lecturer


Home visiting for a better start in life: Studies of an intervention to promote health equity in a socioeconomically disadvantaged area of Sweden. Karolinska Institutet, PhD thesis, March 2022. Barboza M.

Psychometric qualities of the HLS-EU-Q16 instrument for parental health literacy in Swedish multicultural settings. Mekhail KT, Burström B, Marttila A, Wångdahl J, Lindberg L. BMC Public Health. 2022 Feb 12;22(1):293. doi: 10.1186/s12889-021-12346-8.PMID: 35151303

Covid-19 and pathways to health inequities for families in a socioeconomically disadvantaged area of Sweden - qualitative analysis of home visitors' observations. Barboza M, Marttila A, Burström B, Kulane A. Int J Equity Health. 2021 Sep 26;20(1):215. doi: 10.1186/s12939-021-01556-6.PMID: 34565387 

Contributions of Preventive Social Services in Early Childhood Home Visiting in a Disadvantaged Area of Sweden: The Practice of the Parental Advisor. Barboza M, Marttila A, Burström B, Kulane A. Qual Health Res. 2021 Jul;31(8):1380-1391. doi: 10.1177/1049732321994538. Epub 2021 Feb 28.PMID: 33645337

Healthcare utilisation and measles, mumps and rubella vaccination rates among children with an extended postnatal home visiting programme in a disadvantaged area in Stockholm, Sweden-A 3-year follow-up. Burström B, Mellblom J, Marttila A, Kulane A, Martin H, Lindberg L, Burström K. Acta Paediatr. 2020 Sep;109(9):1847-1853. doi: 10.1111/apa.15176. Epub 2020 Feb 3.PMID: 31957046

Strengthening resilience through an extended postnatal home visiting program in a multicultural suburb in Sweden: fathers striving for stability.
Tiitinen Mekhail K, Lindberg L, Burström B, Marttila A
BMC Public Health 2019 Jan;19(1):102

PDF for printing: Manual/guide for the home visiting program in Rinkeby: Rinkeby hembesöksprogram – ett utökat hembesöksprogram i samarbete mellan barnhälsovården och socialtjänsten.
J Mellblom, H Arvidsson, T Fredriksson, M Tordai
Stockholm: Karolinska Institutet; 2018

A better start for health equity? Qualitative content analysis of implementation of extended postnatal home visiting in a disadvantaged area in Sweden.
Barboza M, Kulane A, Burström B, Marttila A
Int J Equity Health 2018 04;17(1):42

Practising proportionate universalism - a study protocol of an extended postnatal home visiting programme in a disadvantaged area in Stockholm, Sweden.
Burström B, Marttila A, Kulane A, Lindberg L, Burström K
BMC Health Serv Res 2017 01;17(1):91

Utökat hembesöksprogram för förstagångsföräldrar - samverkan mellan Rinkeby BVC och föräldrarådgivare inom Rinkeby-Kista socialtjänst. Slutrapport utvärdering 2017. Marttila A, Lindberg L, Burström K, Kulane A, Burström B.Stockholm: Karolinska Institutet; 2017.

Barnbladet. Juni 2016.

Utökat barnhälsovårdsprogram för förstagångsföräldrar – samverkan mellan Rinkeby BVC och föräldrarådgivare inom Rinkeby-Kista socialtjänst. Utvärderingsrapport 2015. Marttila A, Burström K, Lindberg L, Burström B. Stockholm: Karolinska Institutet; 2015. Barnhälsovårdens årsrapport 2013. Stockholms läns landsting. 2013.



"Utökat hembesöksprogram skapar trygghet och tillit i Rinkeby-Kista" Folkhälsoguiden. Stockholms läns landsting.


Interview with researchers Bo Burström and Anneli Marttila. The podcast is in Swedish. "34. Om utanförskapet och barnen – tidiga insatser ökar tryggheten". På djupet – en podd från Socialstyrelsen.

Interview with researcher Anneli Marttila. The podcast is in Swedish. "43. Om stöd till sårbara spädbarnsföräldrar". På djupet – en podd från Socialstyrelsen.


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Asli Kulane

Senior Lecturer

Manual/guide for the home visiting programme

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