For students & guardians participating in the PEDALS research project
On this site participants in the PEDALS study will find more information about participation and informal content.
Mental illness among young people is an important social issue. By participating in this study, you can contribute to new knowledge about the prevalence of mental health problems and psychiatric conditions among young people in Sweden. This will form the foundation for a broader perspective on mental health support for young people, where the right resources are deployed in the right place.
Step 1 - information
A few weeks before the data collection, you will be informed about the study on the school's platform and by your mentor or health team. All participants, both students and guardians, need to fill out a consent form before participating in the study.
- Participation is voluntary
- The results are anonymous – they will only be accessed by authorized persons
- Participants can´t be identified
As a participant, you can choose to withdraw from the study at any point. All information about you and your survey responses will be deleted.
Step 2- data collection
Data collection
The students will fill in a digital questionnaire at the school during school hours in small groups of around 6-8 people. Guardians complete digital questionnaire at home within two weeks after the student has completed their questionnaire at school.
The surveys are about:
- Mental well-being
- Mental disorders
- Care needs
- Social media/gaming
- Sleep
- Bullying
- Alkohol and drugs
Time consumption
About 45-120 minutes.
Step 3 -Follow up
One and two years after the first survey has been completed, the participants will have a follow-up. On these occasions only parts of the first survey will be done. The 1-year follow-up is carried out at school and the 2-year follow-up is sent home to the participants.

Common questions and answers
What do the terms mean?
Mental health
WHO describes the concept as "A state of mental well-being in which each individual can realize his or her own potential, can cope with ordinary stresses, can work productively and can contribute to the society in which he or she lives."
What constitutes well-being is partly determined by our notions of what a good life entails, making it difficult to determine an individual's well-being.
Mental distress
Mental distress are mental illnesses that do not meet the criteria for psychiatric conditions, such as worry and anxiety. These problems are often reactions to life's various stresses and can be mild or severe depending on the extent and life situation and can be something that the individual needs support and help with.
Mental disorder
Psychiatric conditions are the most serious form of mental illness. Different conditions are described in the form of diagnoses and care agencies may need for the individuals.
How common are mental disorders in young people?
Well-conducted studies that examine the actual occurrence of mental disorders and care needs in young people are extremely rare in Sweden. The information available today is therefore largely based on foreign studies. A rough estimate from research studies is that 10-15% of children and young people and 15-20% of young adults have a psychiatric condition. It exceeds the percentage of those cared for in these age groups, which indicates hidden care needs and that many children and young people do not receive the support they need.
Why should I take part in PEDALS study?
Mental distress and disorders among young people is an important social issue. By participating in the study, you contribute to new knowledge about the prevalence of mental distress and disorders among young people in Sweden. When the facts are available, a better foundation can then be laid for a broader perspective on support and help for mental health among young people, where the right resources are deployed in the right place.
What does informed consent mean?
Participating in a research project is voluntary. In order for a person to be able to give consent to participation, clear and detailed information needs to be given about what it means to be part of the study.