Education at CSS

Wisdom Conference at Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden, Dec 5th 2016
The purpose of the meeting was to highlight recent research on wisdom to a broad audience including both scientists and practitioners, and provide a forum for discussion on further wisdom research, including how practical wisdom can be enhanced in society at large. In addition to a series of multidisciplinary presentations, participants were engaged in interactive dialogues that explored new approaches to the study and application of wisdom.
The group of attendees were on the order of 240 people with diverse backgrounds and interests ranging across Psychology, Medicine, Care, Neuroscience, Economics, Education, Music, Dance, Philosophy, Sociology, Journalism, Politics and Business. We did also gather researchers for collaborative efforts on joint applications for multidisciplinary research projects on wisdom, inspired by e.g. the Center for Practical Wisdom at University of Chicago.
Organization: The conference was organized by the Center for Social Sustainability, Karolinska Institutet in collaboration with Ekskäret Foundation and the Center for Practical Wisdom at University of Chicago.
Introduction & Welcome Walter Osika, MD, PhD, Director CSS, Karolinska Institutet Caroline Stiernstedt Sahlborn, CEO Ekskäret foundation
Ways to wisdom: Background on Wisdom - is it important? Why? Professor Stefan Einhorn, CSS, Karolinska Institutet
“MORE Life Experience”- Why is wisdom such a rare phenomenon? Dr. Judith Glück, Professor of Developmental Psychology at the University of Klagenfurt, Austria, and affiliate at Center for Practical Wisdom at the University of Chicago, presented a life cycle perspective on determinants of wisdom.
Wisdom during crisis & moral stress: Is wisdom the ultimate skill? Gerry Larsson, Professor of Psychology at the Swedish Defense University.
The art of decision making: Subconscious decision making and consciously influencing others in the corporate world. Pelle Tornell, Researcher at Stockholms University, Business leader and mentalist.
“The good leadership”- Lessons on ethics and virtues from the UN secretary general: Ethics, Moral and Self-Critique as a way towards Wisdom Lena Lid Falkman PhD, Stockholm School of Economics
Me and my wisdom: Wisdom in relation to ego-development Kristina Elfhag, PhD, Lic Psychologist and researcher at Karolinska Institutet
Creativity - wisdom and madness - how does it sum up? The neurobiology of wisdom in relation to mental health Simon Kyaga, PhD, MD, Karolinska Institutet.
The Wise Society: Values in the Wise Society Folke Tersman, Professor of Practical Philosophy, Uppsala University & The Institute for Future Studies
Group Discussion: How do we act wisely?
Conference on Trust November 3rd, 2015
Trust - from cell to society
November 3, 2015, we arranged a day on the theme "Trust - from cell to society" with Ekskäret Foundation. The aim was to explore trust from different research perspectives - from neuroscience and psychology to sociology, political science and cultural health research. Lectures were interspersed with reflections and conversations around smaller tables. The cellist Linnea Olsson played comforting music. The UR Kunskapskanalen television channel filmed all lectures and they are available at:

Mind-Body Medicine for Students and Faculty in Educational Settings: An Antidote to Chronic Stress and Burnout?
Open lecture with Professor Aviad Haramati, Georgetown University, USA April 14th 2016 KI campus Huddinge
Aviad “Adi” Haramati is Professor of Physiology and the Director of the Center for Innovation and Leadership in Education (CENTILE) at Georgetown University School of Medicine. Dr. Haramati seeks to improve medical education across the globe, especially with regard to the intersection of science, mind-body medicine and professionalism and has been a visiting professor at over 70 medical schools around the world. In October 2015, he convened the Conference on Strategies to Promote Resilience, Empathy and Well-being in the Health Professions.
Read more:,%20PhD

Network meetings
CSS Workshop: Research on Social Sustainability for PhD students 21 – 22 april 2016. Course leader PhD Eva Bojner Horwitz, CSS, KI.
Aim of the course and intended learning outcome:
The intended learning outcomes of the course was to:
1) Acquire understanding of social sustainability theory at an individual, group, and societal level.
2) Obtaining tools to be able to reflect and critically evaluate ecological sustainability in relation to social sustainability,
3) Understand and reflect upon human physiology & psychology in relation to stress and resilience, and explore how this relates to various intervention & management techniques.
4) Acquire knowledge about the theory of the ‘social brain’ and apply this to social sustainability, stress and resilience.
5) Critically review material in relation to 1) – 4) and enhance peer review skills
The workshop got overall good ratings, and the workshop will possibly be expanded into a doctoral course in 2018.
- Dillon J. Science, society and sustainability: education and empowerment for an uncertain world. Environmental Education Research 727-731 DOI:10.1080/13504622.2012.662395 2012
- Francisco J. Varela, Eleanor Rosch and Evan Thompson. The Embodied Mind: Cognitive Science and Human Experience (MIT Press, 1991; new expanded edition, 2017).
- Temanummer Socialmedicinsk tidskrift Vol 90, Nr 2 (2013): Socialt hållbar utveckling - fokus på empati, compassion och altruism