LifeGene for Participants

Thank you for participating in LifeGene!

Follow-up survey for previous participants is ongoing in the spring of 2024!

Follow-up survey 2024

LifeGene began its data collection in September 2009. It contains information from a total of 52,107 participants and consisted of two phases. The first part was a web-based questionnaire and the second a health test with sampling. The sampling collected blood, serum and urine from more than 29,500 participants, these are stored at KI Biobank. Sampling was done on one occasion only and the sub-moment ended in 2018. The web-based questionnaire was answered annually during LifeGene's active period.

LifeGene is now making a new web-based questionnaire. Your participation in this form is important as LifeGene is the basis for many different research projects which are of course approved by the Ethics Review Authority. You as a LifeGene Participant, who is 18 years of age or older, are hereby invited to contribute to this valuable database. Participation in the study is completely voluntary and does not affect your access to future healthcare.

To access the questionnaire, you need to identify yourself with Bank ID and sign the consent, you do this via this link: https://lifegenestudien.seIf you have any questions about the survey or your participation in LifeGene, you can reach us via e-mail:

Right to obtain information

Your personal data is handled in accordance with the legislation on public documents and authorities' archives. According to the law, you have the right to access, correct or delete your personal data, as well as the right to restrict the processing of your personal data.

Send your application to:
Phone: 08-524 865 95
Fax: 08-31 11 01
Address: Karolinska Institutet
171 77 Stockholm

Test results

If you wish to see your testresults, we can send them by post to your registered address. In that case, send an email to 

End my participation

Your participation in LifeGene is completely voluntary and can be terminated at any time without giving any reason.

If you want to end your participation in LifeGene but want already collected samples to be used in future research, send us an email at and say that you no longer want to be contacted by LifeGene but that LifeGene can use already collected samples.

We will then unregister you and send you a confirmation that this has happened. You will not be contacted again.

If you want to end your participation and none or parts of the samples and survey answers may not be used for future research, you can email us at We will then send you a form that you fill in and return to us. We will then terminate your participation in accordance with your wishes on the withdrawal form.

There are different levels of withdrawal of consent. Which one you choose is up to you and you can see the options on the form. If it is unclear which option you want to choose, you are always welcome to contact us.

Content reviewer:
Unknown user
Annie Agrell