KI Biobank Core Facility - our offer
KI Biobank assists researchers with advice on how to start a sample collection, how the specimen should be collected and labeled, and what legal requirements that must be met in order to be able to collect human biological samples.
We help to establish the necessary agreements under the Biobank Act, such as extradition treaty, multicenter agreements and Material Transfer Agreement (MTA). We offer sample handling, such as plasma- and serum aliquoting, DNA extraction, formatting of samples before analysis, and assistance with various forms of transportation. We also provide robust IT systems, ensuring full traceability of each sample for customers with samples stored at the KI Biobank as well as other departments at KI/Region Stockholm.
Our services
Study start-up
Advice throughout the different phases of the research study. For example, before you start your collection, we can help you with the ethics application, consent forms and sample donor information. To provide best possible help, we advice you to contact us in good time before the planned starting date.
Sample handling
The KI Biobank Core Facility offers a range of flexible service options that are tailored to meet our customers’ demands. Our dependable and secure service solutions enable us to retrieve and process samples as needed, while striving to exceed expectations.
Sending samples
Withdrawal of Samples
To pick out samples from your sample collection fill in the form Withdrawal Order. You should also prepare an Excel file with Sample donor ID. The sample donor ID can be one of two types, either CDK (Customer Donor Key) or RID (Referral ID).
The Withdrawal Order, with the signature of the principal investigator, should be sent via e-mail to You will receive log in credentials to a server so that you can upload your file with sample donor ID.
If your samples should be sent for analyses, you need to have a Material Transfer Agreement (MTA), see below under Agreement.
Withdrawal from LifeGene or EpiHealth
LifeGene andEpiHealth are two unique studies which aim to deepen our knowledge in how our genes and our environment interact in various diseases.
For sample and data withdrawal, please visit LifeGene's website and EpiHealth's website.
KI Biobank uses several IT solutions for registration and traceability of samples.
We also offer IT solutions for registration and management of study participants, collection of individual-based data from multiple information sources and / or longitudinal measurements as well as other information on biological samples such as test results.
Biobank agreement
Swedish legislation demand traceability of biobank samples. To fulfill the requirements, national and/or local biobank agreements have been compiled. Information about the agreements is found below or via the home page of Biobank Sweden, where the documents can be found. For questions and advice, please contact
Service Agreement
Before starting a sample collection at KI Biobank, a service agreement must be signed between the principal investigator and KI Biobank. KI Biobank helps prepare this agreement from a standard template.
Material Transfer Agreement (MTA)
When samples are to be sent outside the responsible organization, which has the legal responsibility, a Material Transfer Agreement (MTA) shall be established. This agreement regulates safety and responsibility for samples and data. The documents can be found on Biobank Sweden's website. The MTA must be approved and signed by all parties before samples are allowed to be sent from KI Biobank
Price Lists
External use of the core facility
KI Biobank's services are available to external users, in accordance with the Swedish governmental ordinance (2022:1378) on fees and availability of research infrastructure for non-academic organisations.
Find out more about the external use of KI's core facilities.