KI Biobank Core Facility - about us

The KI Biobank is a core facility with the mission to provide researchers with professional services regarding sample handling, storage and withdrawal of human biological samples collected in ethically approved research studies.

Opening hours

Opening hours sample reception: 08:00–16:30 on workdays.

Availability around public holidays

Please consult our opening and closing times before planning patient meetings around public holidays.


KI Biobank Core Facility (KIBB) is located at KI Campus Solna.

Biobank registration number from IVO (The Health and Social Care Inspectorate): 222

Facility email:

Facility phone: +46 (0)8-524 820 03

Visiting address

KI Biobank Core Facility (KIBB)
MEB, Karolinska Institutet
Nobels väg 12A
SE-171 65 Solna

Postal address, including sample with mail

KI Biobank Core Facility
MEB, Karolinska Institutet
Box 281
SE-171 77 Stockholm

Delivery address (not samples)

KI Biobank Core Facility
MEB, Karolinska Institutet
Nobels väg 12D (loading platform)
SE- 171 65 Solna

Samples with delivery service

KI Biobank Core Facility, floor 4
MEB, Karolinska Institutet
Nobels väg 12A
SE-171 65 Solna

Sending samples

More information at send samples to KI Biobank.

Profile image

Sanela Kjellqvist

Head of KI Biobank Core Facility (KIBB)

About us

We started in 2004 and we are a biobank facility, providing service for pre-analytical handling, storage and distribution of human biological samples. We comply with The Swedish Biobank Act (2023:38) and GDPR.

According to the Swedish Biobank Act (2023:38), all human identifiable samples stored for more than 9 months must be registered and traceable in a biobank. This also applies to samples collected in ethically approved research studies.

KI Biobank is part of the national network Biobank Sweden, where we collaborate regionally with the Stockholm Medical Biobank (SMB).