Caroline Olsson
About me
I am a postdoc researcher at the Unit of Intervention and Implementation
Research on Worker Health at the Institute of Environmental Medicine where I work primarily in two projects:
"A gender perspective on sick-leave among young emplyees; obstacles and resources for return-to-work as experienced by employees and managers" is a qualitative interview study where we analyse the data with an applied gender perspective.
"Being a doctor - gender related vulnerability, health and psychosocial work environment" is a quantitative study investigating the association between harassment, bullying and health among doctors and medical students. In collaboration with researchers at Department of Clinical Science and Education, Södersjukhuset, I participate in studies on nurses' choice of specialisation.
I defended my PhD-thesis in 2019, , with the title: "Medical doctors’
specialty choice – in relation to personality, cultural capital and social
background" at the Department of Clinical Science and Education,
Södersjukhuset. The thesis concludes that medical doctors’ specialty choice is a
long-term, complex and sometimes contradictory process in which many factors
are considered. These dimensions include personal characteristics such as
personality traits, social background and the formation of habitus as well as
characteristics of patient relations and the type of medicine. In addition,
positive and negative encounters with the healthcare system increase or
decrease the likelihood of choosing a particular specialty. Finally,
perceived status and prestige are central to understanding the attractiveness
of different specialties.
Course manager for the course Occupational Rehabilitation.
- Article: STUDIES IN HIGHER EDUCATION. 2025;50(2):406-418
- Journal article: PLOS ONE. 2024;19(11):e0311371
- Article: NURSING OPEN. 2023;10(1):252-263
- Article: PLOS ONE. 2023;18(9):e0291551
- Article: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF QUALITATIVE METHODS. 2021;20:16094069211032071
- Article: BMC MEDICAL EDUCATION. 2020;20(1):398
- Article: ADVANCES IN HEALTH SCIENCES EDUCATION. 2019;24(3):443-457
- Article: BMC MEDICAL EDUCATION. 2019;19(1):244
- Article: POSTGRADUATE MEDICAL JOURNAL. 2016;92(1090):441-446
All other publications
- Swedish Research Council for Health Working Life and Welfare1 January 2022 - 31 December 2023
- Utbildning till specialistsjuksköterska - skäl till att vidareutbilda sig och val av specialitetALF pedagogik
- Handledsfrakturer hos äldre: funktionellt långtidsresultat, hälsoekonomisk utvärdering samt analys av självupplevda begränsningar och funktionsbortfall.ALF Medicin
- Affiliated to Research, Institute of Environmental Medicine, Karolinska Institutet, 2024-2025
- Coordinator, Karolinska Institutet, 2024-2024
Degrees and Education
- Degree Of Doctor Of Philosophy, Department of Clinical Science and Education, Södersjukhuset, Karolinska Institutet, 2019