INDUCT at KI – finalized

The overarching research goal of the INDUCT (Interdisciplinary Network for Dementia Utilising Current Technology) project was to improve the usability of technology in dementia care by evaluating its effectiveness and implementation issues.

See the INDUCT website.


The INDUCT network comprised world-leading partner organisations, major universities and enterprises. INDUCT worked with INTERDEM, a large international collaboration enabling training and opportunities to develop capacity for future research in dementia care. 15 Early Stage Researchers (ESRs), i.e. PhD-students, were hosted across the INDUCT network, two of these in the CACTUS research group at KI.

The two KI-based INDUCT-projects were

1) Everyday technology in public space meets people with dementia.

2) Access and ability to use everyday technology among older adults with dementia.

These projects focussed on people with dementia as users of everyday technologies, and explore how everyday technology in public space and in societal services interacts with and influence participation for people with dementia in European countries (in this case UK and Sweden). Data were collected with the Everyday Technology Use Questionnaire (ETUQ) and the Participation in ACTivities and places OUTside home questionnaire (ACT-OUT) as well as with qualitative approaches. These studies also provided additional data to the data bases for these two tools and the international project “Participation in places and activities in public space as perceived by people with cognitive impairment”. The project started in the fall 2016, and is finalized winter 2020-21.


Leader: In Sweden: Louise Nygård

At Karolinska Institutet: Camilla Malinowsky, Anders Kottorp (Malmö University/KI) Sarah Wallcook, PhD 2021; Sophie Gaber, PhD 2021.

See all on INDUCT website



EU Marie Slodowska Curie ETN, FORTE, Swedish Research Council (VR).

Also, see the following projects on CACTUS’ webpage:


Gaber, S. N. The participation of older people with and without dementia in public space, through the lens of everyday technology use. PhD-thesis, Karolinska Institutet.

Gaber, S. N., Nygård, L., Malinowsky, C., Brorsson, A., Kottorp, A., & Hedman, A. (2020). Enacting citizenship through participation in a technological society: A longitudinal three-year study among people with dementia in Sweden. Ageing and Society, 1–22. Cambridge University Press.

Gaber, S. N., Nygård, L., Brorsson, A., Kottorp, A., Charlesworth, G., Wallcook, S., & Malinowsky, C. (2020). Social Participation in Relation to Technology Use and Social Deprivation: A Mixed Methods Study Among Older People with and without Dementia. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17, 4022.

Gaber, S.N., Nygård, L., Kottorp, A., Charlesworth, G., Wallcook, S. & Malinowsky, C. (2020). Perceived risks, concession travel pass access and everyday technology use for out-of-home participation: cross-sectional interviews among older people in the UK. BMC Geriatrics, 20, 192.

Gaber, Nygård, L., Brorsson, A., Kottorp, A. & Malinowsky, C. (2019). Everyday Technologies and Public Space Participation among People with and without Dementia. Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy, Vol. 86(5) 400-411.

Wallcook, S. (2021). Conditions of everyday technology use and its interplay in the lives of older adults with and without dementia. PhD-thesis, Karolinska Institutet.

Wallcook S, Nygård L, Kottorp A, Gaber S, Charlesworth G, Malinowsky C. (Accepted). Kaleidoscopic associations between life outside home and the technological environment that shape occupational injustice – revealed with cross-sectional statistical modelling. Journal of Occupational Science (JOS).

Wallcook S, Nygård L, Kottorp A, Gaber S, Charlesworth G, Malinowsky C. (2020) The perceived challenge of everyday technologies in Sweden, the United States, and England: exploring differential item functioning in the Everyday Technology Use Questionnaire. SJOT. 27:8, 554-566.

Wallcook, S., Nygård, L., Kottorp, A. & Malinowsky, C. (online July 2019). The use of Everyday Information Communication Technologies in the lives of older adults living with and without dementia in Sweden. Assistive Technology.

Policy and Practice Reports:

Gaber, S. N., Nygård, L., Brorsson, A., Kottorp, A., Charlesworth, G., Wallcook, S., & Malinowsky, C. (2022). Social participation and everyday technology use: a mixed methods study among people living with and without dementia. In M. Orrell, D. Oliveira, O. McDermott, F. Verhey, F. Dassen & R.-M. Droes. Improving the lives of people with dementia through technology: interdisciplinary network for dementia utilising current technology. Routledge.

Gaber, S. N., & Wallcook, S. (2020). Lay Report: People with dementia in Public Space using Everyday Technology (PIPSET) (IRAS 215654). Available from:

Gaber, S. N., & Brorsson, A. (2019). The role of technology around stigma: Marie’s journey. World Alzheimer Report 2019, pp. 162-163. London: Alzheimer’s Disease International. Available from:

Gaber, S. N., & Heuchemer, B. (2019). Prioritizing prisons and dementia? How to address the double stigma of people with dementia or memory issues in prisons and forensic institutions. World Alzheimer Report 2019, pp. 140-142. London: Alzheimer’s Disease International. Available from:

Wallcook, S., Nygård, L., Kottorp, A., Charlesworth, G. & Malinowsky, C. (2022). Conditions of Everyday Technology Use and its Interplay in Life Outside Home among Older People with and without Dementia. In M. Orrell, D. Oliveira, O. McDermott, F. Verhey, F. Dassen & R.-M. Droes. Improving the lives of people with dementia through technology: interdisciplinary network for dementia utilising current technology. Routledge.

Wallcook, S., Gaber, S., Nygård, L., & Malinowsky, C. (2019). Joint INDUCT/WFOT International practice guidance on technology use in dementia. Interdisciplinary Network for Dementia Utilizing Current Technology (INDUCT). Stockholm: Karolinska Institutet.

Alvarez, L., Wallcook, S., von Zweck, C, Timbeck, R., Ledgerd, R. (2019) ‘Global indicators of assistive technology use amongst occupational therapists: Report from the World Federation of Occupational Therapists’ Global Survey’ In, Layton N, Borg J (ed.). Global perspectives on assistive technology: proceedings of the GReAT Consultation 2019. Geneva: World Health Organization. Licence: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO, p.411-423. Available from:

Dröes, R-M., Vermeer, Y., Libert, S., Gaber, S. N., Wallcook, S., Rai, H., … Orrell, M. (2019). Best Practice Guidance: Human Interaction with Technology in Dementia. Interdisciplinary Network for Dementia Utilizing Current Technology (INDUCT). Available from:

Evans-Lacko, S., Bhatt, J., Comas-Herrera, A., D’Amico, F., Farina, N., Gaber, S., Knapp, M., Salcher-Konrad, M., Stevens, M., & Wilson, E. (2019). World Alzheimer’s Report Global Survey on Stigma and Dementia. London: London School of Economics.

World Federation of Occupational Therapists, Alvarez, L., Holte, T., Layton, N., Ledgerd, R., McAdam, J., Salman, H., Steggles, E., Wallcook, S. (2019) WFOT Position Statement: Occupational therapy and assistive technology [].

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