Participation in places and activities in public space as perceived by people with cognitive impairment

The purpose of this research is to provide new knowledge of the conditions for participation in activities and places in public space and society outside the home for older adults, particularly people living with dementia, and to identify possible avenues to increase accessibility and provide relevant support.

As staying at home becomes the norm of all care policies, the possibility that older adults with and without dementia have to access and be involved in activities outside home needs to be better understood, and improvements targeting different aspects (e.g. support to persons, improved accessibility in places) should be planned and systematically tested. Given that engagement in activities is increasingly recommended to prevent cognitive decline and also that community integration is emphasized to promote life satisfaction, better knowledge of how to facilitate an active lifestyle incorporating activities both within and beyond the boundaries of the home is vital.

This collaborative project builds on findings from our current research in the field of dementia in the Swedish context. Sub-studies are now going on in several countries (Sweden, French speaking Switzerland, Canada, UK, USA) involving a variety of professions (occupational therapy, engineering, geography and architecture)In all countries, the newly developed questionnaire Participation in ACTivities and places OUTside home questionnaire (ACT-OUT) is used in the research, and in Sweden, Switzerland and UK also combined with qualitative studies. In Sweden, the project is longitudinal.


Leaders: Camilla MalinowskyAnna Brorsson and Louise Nygård

Researchers: Isabel Margot Cattin, Sophie Gaber, Liv Thalén, Anders Kottorp, Sarah Wallcook, and Malcolm Cutchin, (USA), Nicolas Kuhne (Lausanne, Schweiz), Habib Chaudhury, Kishore Rajaram Seetharaman & Samantha Biglieri (Simon Fraser University, Canada).

Earlier also: Annika Öhman (LiU), Heather Fritz and Susan Lawrence (USA), Maria Larsson Lund (LTU), Monica Pantzar (KI), and Stefan Lundberg (KTH).


FORTE, The Kamprad Family Foundation, EU: Marie Slodowska Curie ETN, University of Applied sciences, Lausanne (Switzerland).

Earlier also: Strategiska Forskningsområdet Vård at KI (SFO-V), Nationella Forskarskolan i Vård (NFV), Stockholm County Council (ALF).

See also the following project on CACTUS’ webpage: INDUCT at KI


Gaber S, Thalén L, Walles Malinowsky C, Margot-Cattin I, Seetharaman K, Chaudhury H, Cutchin M, Wallcook S, Kottorp A, Brorsson A, Biglieri S, & Nygård L. (2022). Social citizenship through out-of-home participation among older adults living with and without dementia. Journal of Applied Gerontology.

Margot-Cattin, I. Berchtold, A., Gaber, S., Kühne, N., Nygård, L., & Malinowksky, C. (2022). Associations between community participation and types of places visited among persons living with and without dementia: risks perception and socio-demographic aspects. BMC Geriatrics, 22, 309.

Thalén L, Walles Malinowsky C, Margot-Cattin I, Gaber S.N., Seetharaman K, Chaudhury H, Cutchin M, Wallcook S, Kottorp A, Brorsson A, Nygård L. (2022). Out-of-home participation among people living with dementia: A study in four countries. Dementia: the international journal of social research and practice, 21(5), 1636-1652.

Margot Cattin, I., Kuhne, N., Öhman, A. Brorsson, A. & Nygård, L. (2021). Familiarity and participation outside home for persons living with dementia. Dementia.

Margot-Cattin, I., Ludwig, C., Kühne, N., Eriksson, G., Berchtold, A., Nygård, L., & Kottorp, A. (2021). Visiting out-of-home places when living with dementia: a cross-sectional observational study. Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 0(0).

Malinowsky, C., Olofsson, A., Nyman, A. & Larsson Lund. M. (2020). Patterns of participation: Facilitating and hindering aspects related to places for activities outside the home after stroke. Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 27(3):204-212.

Olofsson A, Nyman A, Kassberg AC, Malinowsky C and Larsson Lund M (2020) Places visited for activities outside the home after stroke: Relationship with the severity of disability. British Journal of Occupational Therapy 83, 405–412.

Gaber, S. N., Nygård, L., Brorsson, A., Kottorp, A., Charlesworth, G., Wallcook, S., & Malinowsky, C. (2020). Social Participation in Relation to Technology Use and Social Deprivation: A Mixed Methods Study Among Older People with and without Dementia. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17, 4022.

Gaber, S.N., Nygård, L., Kottorp, A., Charlesworth, G., Wallcook, S. & Malinowsky, C. (2020). Perceived risks, concession travel pass access and everyday technology use for out-of-home participation: cross-sectional interviews among older people in the UK. BMC Geriatrics, 20, 192.

Wallcook S, Nygård L, Kottorp A, Gaber S, Charlesworth G, Malinowsky C. (2020). Kaleidoscopic associations between life outside home and the technological environment that shape occupational injustice – revealed with cross-sectional statistical modelling. Journal of Occupational Science (JOS).

Chaudhury H, Mahal T, Seetharaman K and Nygaard HB (2020) Community participation in activities and places among older adults with and without dementia. Dementia.

Gaber, Nygård, L., Brorsson, A., Kottorp, A. & Malinowsky, C. (2019). Everyday Technologies and Public Space Participation among People with and without Dementia. Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy, Vol. 86(5) 400-411.

Margot-Cattin I, Kuhne N, Kottorp A, Cutchin M, Öhman A and Nygård L (2019) Development of a questionnaire to evaluate out-of-home participation for people with dementia. American Journal of Occupational Therapy 73, 7301205030p1–7301205030p10.

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