Doctoral Education at the Division of Family Medicine and Primary Care

Doctoral education at the division includes doctoral students with a focus on general medicine and primary care. The division is also responsible for the Research School in Family Medicine and Primary Care, which is one of Karolinska Institutet’s clinical research schools.

Research school  in family medicine and primary care

The research school operated by the Division of Family Medicine and Primary Care is one of Karolinska Institutet's clinical research schools  and a collaboration between Karolinska Institutet and Region Stockholm. The research school targets doctoral students who are clinically active in primary care or have projects relevant to primary care. The collaboration with Region Stockholm involves 16 positions with financial reimbursement to the participant´s clinic during the course weeks.

Course content and course periods 

The Research School aims to equip participants with an in-depth scientific, critical, analytical, and research-ethical approach to conduct research in areas highly relevant to primary care patients and practice. The pedagogical model emphasizes student-activated methods and interactive learning. Throughout the courses, participants engage in individual study tasks, group work, lectures, workshops, and seminars. A central idea is to build on participants’ own research and development projects, leveraging their experience and knowledge from primary care. Their individual projects play a crucial role in all courses.

The Research School is offered every other year, with the next cycle starting in autumn 2024. The program spans a total of 16 weeks of full-time studies (24 ECTS) over two years, divided into 2+2 weeks per semester.


PhD group

This group meets on Zoom once a month for “After work” from 5 PM to 6 PM to discuss research and education-related questions. You can participate whenever you’d like. There’s always encouragement if you’re stuck, tips if you encounter problems, or applause when you’ve published an article. The meetings are organized by PhD student Charlotta Elleby, who sends out the link before each session. Feel free to reach out to Charlotta Elleby if you have any questions

Doctoral student afternoon

Once a month, the section holds a research afternoon for doctoral students and researchers, featuring doctoral student presentations, journal clubs, teaching sessions, and inspirational lectures. For current dates, refer to the Research Education Calendar below. You are warmly welcome to join the section’s research afternoons! If you, as a doctoral student, would like to present something, feel free to contact

If you, as a doctoral student, would like to present something, feel free to contact Caroline Wachtler.

Representative of the Doctoral Student Council NVS

The Doctoral Student Council includes a representative from each section within NVS. The doctoral student representative for the Division of Family Medicine and Primary Care is Jenny Nilsson (contact details below). You can find more information about the council NVS doktorandråd.

Contact doctoral student representative for NVS

Kalender forskarutbildning


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Christina Sandlund

Kursansvarig, forskarskolan i allmänmedicin
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Axel Carl Carlsson

Studierektor, forskarskolan i allmänmedicin
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