Publications- Georgios Sotiriou Laboratory
A selection of different publications from Georgios Sotiriou Laboratory.

Peer-reviewed publication statistics for Dr. Georgios A. Sotiriou
- Total number of publications: 62 (59 original research articles, 3 reviews/perspectives)
- Total citations: 2799 (Web of Science), 3765 (Google Scholar)
- h-index: 27 (Web of Science), 28 (Google Scholar)
- i-index: 44 (Web of Science), 46 (Google Scholar)
Patent applications
- G. A. Sotiriou, C. O. Blattmann & S. E. Pratsinis. “Method for the generation of nanoparticle composite films and films made using such a method” WO 2012/175175 (2012).
- Y. Deligiannakis, G. A. Sotiriou & S. E. Pratsinis. “Hybrid nanoantioxidant materials” WO 2014/060080 (2013).
Received the TechConnect Innovation Award 2013, Washington, D.C., USA (13-16 May 2013). - B. Henriques Normark, K. Subramaniam, G. A. Sotiriou. “Mannose receptor derived peptides for neutralizing pore forming toxins for therapeutic uses” NP0531SE-P (2020).
Peer-reviewed journal articles
- 2021
62. F. J. Geissel, V. Platania, A. Gogos, I. K. Herrmann, G. N. Belibasakis, M. Chatzinikolaidou & G. A. Sotiriou*. “Antibiofilm activity of nanosilver coatings against Staphylococcus aureus” J. Colloid Interface Sci. in press, doi: 10.1016/j.jcis.2021.11.038 (2021).
61. A. Camaioni, M. Massimiani, V. Lacconi, A. Magrini, A. Magrini, A. Salustri, G. A. Sotiriou, D. Singh, D. Bitounis, D. Bitounis, B. Bocca, A. Pino, F. Barone, V. Prota, I. Iavicoli, M. Scimeca, E. Bonanno, F. R. Cassee, P. Demokritou, A. Pietroiusti & L. Campagnolo*. “Silica encapsulation of ZnO nanoparticles reduces their toxicity for cumulus cell-oocyte-complex expansion” Particle Fibre Toxicol. 18, 33 (2021).
60. R. Mann, A. Holmes, O. McNeilly, R. Cavaliere, G. A. Sotiriou S. A. Rice & C. Gunawan*. “Evolution of biofilm-forming pathogenic bacteria in the presence of nanoparticles and antibiotic: adaptation phenomena and cross-resistance” J. Nanobiotechnol. 19, 291 (2021).
59. N-J. Hempel, P. Merkl, M. M. Knopp, R. Berthelsen, A. Teleki, A. K. Hansen, G. A. Sotiriou & K. Löbmann*. “The Effect of the Molecular Weight of Polyvinylpyrrolidone and the Model Drug on Laser-Induced In Situ Amorphization” Molecules 26, 4035 (2021).
58. N-J. Hempel, P. Merkl, M. M. Knopp, R. Berthelsen, A. Teleki, G. A. Sotiriou & K. Löbmann*. “The Influence of Drug–Polymer Solubility on Laser-Induced In Situ Drug Amorphization Using Photothermal Plasmonic Nanoparticles” Pharmaceutics 13, 917 (2021).
57. P. Merkl, S. Long, G. M. McInerney* & G. A. Sotiriou*. “Antiviral Activity of Silver, Copper Oxide and Zinc Oxide Nanoparticle Coatings against SARS-CoV-2” Nanomaterials 11, 1312 (2021).
56. P. Merkl, S. Zhou, A. Zaganiaris, M. Shahata, A. Eleftheraki, T. Thersleff & G. A. Sotiriou*. “Plasmonic Coupling in Silver Nanoparticle Aggregates and their Polymer Composite Films for Near-Infrared Photothermal Biofilm Eradication” ACS Appl. Nano Mater. 4, 5330-5339 (2021).
55. J. Ziesmer, P. Tajpara, N-J. Hempel, M. Ehrström, K. Melican, L. Eidsmo & G. A. Sotiriou*. “Vancomycin-Loaded Microneedle Arrays against Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus Skin Infections” Adv. Mater. Technol. 6, 2001307 (2021).
54. N-J. Hempel, P. Merkl, S. Asad, M. Knopp, R. Berthelsen, C. Bergström, A. Teleki, G. A. Sotiriou& K. Loebmann*. ”Utilizing Laser-Activation of Photothermal Plasmonic Nanoparticles to Induce On-Demand Drug Amorphization Inside a Tablet” Mol. Pharm. 18, 2254-2262 (2021).
53. P. Merkl, M.‐S. Aschtgen, B. Henriques‐Normark & G. A. Sotiriou*. “Biofilm Interfacial Acidity Evaluation by pH-Responsive Luminescent Nanoparticle Films” Biosens. Bioelectron. 171, 112732 (2021).
- 2020
52. K. Subramanian, F. Iovino, V. Tsikourkitoudi, P. Merkl, S. Ahmed, S. B. Berry, M.‐S. Aschtgen, M. Svensson, P. Bergman, G. A. Sotiriou & B. Henriques‐Normark*. “Mannose receptor‐derived peptides neutralize pore‐forming toxins and reduce inflammation and development of pneumococcal disease” EMBO Mol. Med. e12695 (2020).
51. F. Iovino, P. Merkl, A. Spyrogianni, B. Henriques-Normark & G. A. Sotiriou*. “Silica-coated phosphorescent nanoprobes for selective cell targeting and dynamic bioimaging of pathogen-host cell interactions” Chem. Commun. 56, 6989-6992 (2020).
50. V. Tsikourkitoudi, J. Karlsson, P. Merkl, E. Loh, B. Henriques-Normark & G. A. Sotiriou*. “Flame-made calcium phosphate nanoparticles with high drug loading for delivery of biologics” Molecules 25, 1747 (2020).
- Invited research article, part of the special issue “Nanocarriers for Diagnostics, Imaging, and Drug Delivery: Critical Perspectives on Materials, Technologies, in Vivo Fate”
49. C. Gunawan*, M. B. Faiz, R. Mann, S. Ting, G. A. Sotiriou, C. P. Marquis & R. Amal. “Nanosilver Targets the Bacterial Cell Envelope: The Link with Generation of Reactive Oxygen Radicals” ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 12, 5557-5568 (2020).
48. E. Valentin, A. L. Bottomley, G. S. Chilambi, E. J. Harry, R. Amal, G. A. Sotiriou, S. A. Rice & C. Gunawan*. “Heritable nanosilver resistance in priority pathogen: a unique genetic adaptation and comparison with ionic silver and antibiotics” Nanoscale 12, 2384-2392 (2020).
- 2019
47. K. Keevend, L. Puust, K. Kurvits, L.s R. H. Gerken, F. H. L. Starsich, J.-H. Li, M. T. Matter, A. Spyrogianni, G. A. Sotiriou, M. Stiefel & I. K. Herrmann*. “Ultrabright and Stable Luminescent Labels for Correlative Cathodoluminescence Electron Microscopy Bioimaging” Nano Lett. 19, 6013-6018 (2019).
46. D. F. Henning, P. Merkl, C. Yun, F. Iovino, L. Xie, E. Mouzourakis, C. Moularas, Y. Deligiannakis, B. Henriques-Normark, K. Leifer & G. A. Sotiriou*. “Luminescent CeO2:Eu3+ nanocrystals for robust in situ H2O2 real-time detection in bacterial cell cultures” Biosens. Bioelectron. 132, 286-293 (2019).
- 2018
45. A. Spyrogianni, P. Tiefenboeck, F. H. L. Starsich, K. Keevend, F. Krumeich, I. K. Herrmann, J.‐C. Leroux & G. A. Sotiriou*. “Near‐UV Activated, Photostable Nanophosphors for in vitro Dosimetry and Dynamic Bioimaging” AIChE J. 64, 2947-2957 (2018).
- Invited research article contribution, part of the “Future Series” in AIChE Journal.
44. M. B. Faiz, R. Amal, C. P. Marquis, E. J. Harry, G. A. Sotiriou, S. A. Rice & C. Gunawan*. “Nanosilver and the microbiological activity of the particulate solids versus the leached soluble silver” Nanotoxicology 12, 263-273 (2018).
- 2017
43. A. Pratsinis, G. A. Kelesidis, S. Zuercher, F. Krumeich, S. Bolisetty, R. Mezzenga, J-C. Leroux & G. A. Sotiriou*. “Enzyme-Mimetic Antioxidant Luminescent Nanoparticles for Highly Sensitive Hydrogen Peroxide Biosensing” ACS Nano 11, 12210-12218 (2017).
42. D. Singh, L. A. Schifman, C. Watson-Wright, G. A. Sotiriou, V. Oyanedel-Craver, W. Wohlleben & P. Demokritou*. “Nanofiller presence enhances polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) profile on nanoparticles released during thermal decomposition of nano-enabled thermoplastics: Potential Environmental Health Implications” Environ. Sci. Technol. 51, 5222-5232 (2017).
41. C. Gunawan*, C. P. Marquis, R. Amal, G. A. Sotiriou, S. A. Rice & E. J. Harry. “Widespread and Indiscriminate Nanosilver Use: Genuine Potential for Microbial Resistance” ACS Nano 11, 3438-3445 (2017).
40. A. Spyrogianni, G. A. Sotiriou, D. Brambille, J-C. Leroux & S. E. Pratsinis*. “The effect of settling on cytotoxicity evaluation of SiO2 nanoparticles” J. Aerosol Sci. 108, 56-66 (2017).
- 2016
39. D. Singh, G. A. Sotiriou, F. Zhang, J. Mead, D. Bello, W. Wohlleben & P. Demokritou*. “End-of-life thermal decomposition of nano-enabled polymers: effect of nanofiller loading and polymer matrix on by-products” Environ. Sci.: Nano 3, 1293-1305 (2016).
38. A. Spyrogianni, I. K. Herrmann, M. S. Lucas, J-C. Leroux & G. A. Sotiriou*. “Quantitative analysis of the deposited nanoparticle dose on cell cultures by optical absorption spectroscopy” Nanomedicine 11, 2483-2496 (2016).
37. F. H. L. Starsich, G. A. Sotiriou, M. C. Wurnig, C. Eberhardt, A. M. Hirt, A. Boss & S. E. Pratsinis*. “Silica-coated non-stoichiometric nano Zn-ferrites for magnetic resonance imaging and hyperthermia treatment” Adv. Healthc. Mater. 5, 2698-2706 (2016).
36. A. Teleki, F. L. Haufe, A. M. Hirt, S. E. Pratsinis & G. A. Sotiriou*. “Highly scalable production of uniformly-coated superparamagnetic nanoparticles for triggered drug release from alginate hydrogels” RSC Adv. 6, 21503-21510 (2016).
35. G. A. Sotiriou, C. O. Blattmann & Y. Deligiannakis*. “Nanoantioxidant-driven plasmon enhanced proton-coupled electron transfer” Nanoscale 8, 796-803 (2016).
- Cover page of issue 2 published on 14 January 2016
34. G. A. Sotiriou, D. Singh, F. Zhang, M-C. G. Chalbot, E. Spielman-Sun, L. Hoering, I. G. Kavouras, G. V. Lowry, W. Wohlleben & P. Demokritou*. “Thermal decomposition of nano-enabled thermoplastics: Possible environmental health and safety implications” J. Hazard. Mater. 305, 87-95 (2016).
- 2015
33. L. Wang*, D. C. Davidson, R. Derk, S. Luanpitpong, G. A. Sotiriou, P. Demokritou, V. Castranova, Y. Rojanasakul, T. A. Stueckle. “Ferric oxide nanoparticles (nFe2O3) induce neoplastic transformation of primary human small airway epithelial cell” Cancer Res. 75(15 Suppl):2723 (2015).
32. G. A. Sotiriou, D. Singh, F. Zhang, W. Wohlleben, M-C. G. Chalbot, I. G. Kavouras & P. Demokritou*. “An integrated methodology for the assessment of environmental health implications during thermal decomposition of nano-enabled products” Environ. Sci.: Nano 2, 262-272 (2015).
31. K. Fujiwara, G. A. Sotiriou & S. E. Pratsinis*. “Enhanced Ag+ ion Release from aqueous nanosilver suspensions by absorption of ambient CO2”Langmuir 31, 5284–5290 (2015).
30. S. Pirela, G. A. Sotiriou, D. Bello, M. Shafer, K. Lee Bunker, V. Castranova, T. Thomas & P. Demokritou*. “Consumer exposures to laser printer-emitted nanoparticles: A case study of the life-cycle implications from nano-enabled products” Nanotoxicology 9, 760-768 (2015).
29. C. O. Blattmann, G. A. Sotiriou & S. E. Pratsinis*. “Rapid synthesis of flexible conductive polymer nanocomposite films” Nanotechnology 26, 125601 (2015).
28. C. Peters*, O. Ergeneman, G. A. Sotiriou, H. Choi, B. J. Nelson & C. Hierold. “Visible light curing of Epon SU-8-based superparamagnetic polymer composites with random and ordered particle configurations” ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 7, 193-200 (2015).
· 2014 27. G. A. Sotiriou, G. D. Etterlin, A. Spyrogianni, F. Krumeich, J-C. Leroux & S. E. Pratsinis*. “Plasmonic biocompatible silver-gold alloyed nanoparticles”, Chem. Commun. 50, 13559-13562 (2014).
26. N. V. Konduru, K. M. Murdaugh, G. A. Sotiriou, T. C. Donaghey, P. Demokritou, J. D. Brain & R. M. Molina*. “Bioavailability, distribution and clearance of tracheally-instilled and gavaged uncoated or silica-coated zinc oxide nanoparticles”, Part. Fibre Toxicol. 11:44 (2014).
25. V. A. Okello, S. Gass, G. Pyrgiotakis, N. Du, A. Lake, V. Kariuki, G.A. Sotiriou, B. Deng, P. Demokritou & O.A. Sadik*. “Capture, isolation and electrochemical detection of industrially-relevant engineered aerosol nanoparticles using poly(amic) acid, phase-inverted, nano-membranes”, J. Hazard. Mater. 279, 365-374 (2014).
24. G. A. Sotiriou, C. Watson, K. M. Murdaugh, T. H. Darrah, G. Pyrgiotakis, A. Elder, J. D. Brain & P. Demokritou*. “Engineering Safer-by-Design, Transparent, Silica-coated ZnO Nanorods with Reduced DNA Damage Potential”, Environ. Sci.: Nano 1, 144-153 (2014).
- Research highlight in RSC Chemistry World on 14 February 2014 link
23. G. A. Sotiriou, F. Starsich, A. Dasargyri, M. C. Wurnig, F. Krumeich, A. Boss, J-C. Leroux & S. E. Pratsinis*. “Photothermal Killing of Cancer Cells by the Controlled Plasmonic Coupling of Silica-coated Au/Fe2O3 Nanoaggregates”, Adv. Funct. Mater. 24, 2818-2827 (2014).
22. A.M. Hirt, G.A. Sotiriou, P.R. Kidambi & A. Teleki*. “Effect of Size, Composition and Morphology on Magnetic Performance: First Order Reversal Curves Evaluation of Iron Oxide Nanoparticles”, J. Appl. Phys. 115, 044314 (2014).
21. S. Fusco, M. S. Sakar, S. Kennedy, R. Bottani, F. Starsich, C. Peters, G. A. Sotiriou, S. Pané, S. E. Pratsinis, C. Hierold, D. Mooney & B. J. Nelson*. “An Integrated Microrobotic Platform for On-demand, Targeted Therapeutic Interventions”, Adv. Mater. 26, 952-957 (2014).
- Cover page of issue published on 12 February 2014
- 2013
20. G. A. Sotiriou, M. A. Visbal-Onufrak, A. Teleki, E. J. Juan, A. M. Hirt, S. E. Pratsinis* & C. Rinaldi*, “Thermal Energy Dissipation by SiO2-coated Plasmonic-Superparamagnetic Nanoparticles in Alternating Magnetic Fields”, Chem. Mater. 25, 4603-4612 (2013).
19. S. Gass, J. Cohen, G. Pyrgiotakis, G. A. Sotiriou, S. E. Pratsinis & P. Demokritou*, “Safer Formulation Concept for Flame-Generated Engineered Nanomaterials”, ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. 1, 843-857 (2013).
18. A. Pratsinis, P. Hervella, J-C. Leroux, S. E. Pratsinis & G. A. Sotiriou*, “Toxicity of Silver Nanoparticles in Macrophages”, Small 9, 2576-2584 (2013).
17. G. A. Sotiriou, C. O. Blattmann & S. E. Pratsinis, “Flexible, Multifunctional, Magnetically Actuated Nanocomposite Films”, Adv. Funct. Mater. 23, 34-41 (2013).
16. G. A. Sotiriou*, “Biomedical Applications of Multifunctional Plasmonic Nanoparticles”, WIREs Nanomed. Nanobiotechnol. 5, 19-30 (2013).
- 2012
15. Y. Deligiannakis*, G. A. Sotiriou & S. E. Pratsinis, “Antioxidant and Antiradical SiO2 Nanoparticles Covalently Functionalized with Gallic Acid”, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 4, 6609-6617 (2012).
- Featured in ETH life on 17 June 2013 link
14. G. A. Sotiriou, E. Diaz, M. S. Long, J. Godleski, J. Brain, S. E. Pratsinis & P. Demokritou*, “A Novel Platform for Pulmonary and Cardiovascular Toxicological Characterization of Inhaled Engineered Nanomaterials”, Nanotoxicology 6, 680-690 (2012).
13. G. A. Sotiriou*, D. Franco, D. Poulikakos*, A. Ferrari, “Optically Stable Biocompatible Flame-Made SiO2-Coated Y2O3:Tb3+ Nanophosphors for Cell Imaging”, ACS Nano 6, 3888–3897 (2012).
12. C.S-J. Tsai, M.E. Echevarria-Vega, G. A. Sotiriou, C. Santeufemio, D. Schmidt, P. Demokritou & M. Ellenbecker, “Evaluation of Environmental Filtration Control of Engineered Nanoparticles using the Harvard Versatile Engineered Nanomaterial Generation System (VENGES)”, J. Nanopart. Res. 14, 812 (2012).
11. O. Ergeneman, G. Chatzipirpiridis, J. Pokki, M. Marin-Suarez, G. A. Sotiriou, S. Medina-Rodriguez, J. F. Fernandez Sanchez, A. Fernandez-Gutierrez, S. Pane & B. J. Nelson*, “In Vitro Oxygen Sensing using Intraocular Microrobots”, IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng. 59, 3104-3109 (2012).
- Cover page of issue published Nov 2012
10. G. A. Sotiriou, M. Schneider & S. E. Pratsinis*, “Green, Silica-coated Monoclinic Y2O3:Tb3+ Nanophosphors: Flame Synthesis and Characterization”, J. Phys. Chem. C 116, 4493-4499 (2012).
9. G. A. Sotiriou, A. Meyer, J. T. N. Knijnenburg, S. Panke & S. E. Pratsinis*, “Quantifying the Origin of Released Ag+ ions from Nanosilver”, Langmuir 28, 15929–15936 (2012).
8. S. B. Bubenhofer, C. M. Schumacher, F. M. Koehler, N. A. Luechinger, G. A. Sotiriou, R. N. Grass & W. J. Stark, “Electrical Resistivity of Assembled Transparent Inorganic Oxide Nanoparticle Thin Layers: Influence of Silica, Insulating Impurities and Surfactant Layer Thickness”, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 4, 2664–2671 (2012).
- 2011
7. G. A. Sotiriou & S. E. Pratsinis*, “Engineering Nanosilver as an Antibacterial, Biosensor and Bioimaging Material”, Curr. Opin. Chem. Eng. 1, 3-10 (2011).
6. G. A. Sotiriou, A. Hirt, P.-Y. Lozach, A. Teleki, F. Krumeich & S. E. Pratsinis*, “Hybrid Silica-coated, Janus-like Plasmonic-Magnetic Nanoparticles”, Chem. Mater. 23, 1985-1992 (2011).
5. G. A. Sotiriou, A. Teleki, A. Camenzind, F. Krumeich, A. Meyer, S. Panke & S. E. Pratsinis*, “Nanosilver on Nanostructured Silica: Antibacterial Activity and Ag Surface Area”, Chem. Eng. J. 170, 547-554 (2011).
4. A. B. Dahlin*, T. Sannomiya, R. Zahn, G. A. Sotiriou & J. Vörös, “Electrochemical Crystallization of Plasmonic Nanostructures”, Nano Lett. 11, 1337-1343 (2011).
3. G.A. Sotiriou, M. Schneider & S.E. Pratsinis*, “Color-Tunable Nanophosphors by Codoping Flame-Made Y2O3 with Tb and Eu”, J. Phys. Chem. C 115, 1084–1089 (2011).
- 2010
2. G. A. Sotiriou, T. Sannomiya, A. Teleki, F. Krumeich, J. Vörös & S. E. Pratsinis*, “Non-toxic, Dry-coated Nanosilver for Plasmonic Biosensors”, Adv. Funct. Mater. 20, 4250-4257 (2010). link
- Frontispiece of issue published on 21 Dec 2010
1. G. A. Sotiriou & S. E. Pratsinis*, “Antibacterial Activity of Nanosilver Ions and Particles”, Environ. Sci. Technol. 44, 5649-5654 (2010).
- Highly-cited article (Web of Science)