Members of Translational Vascular Medicine

About the Leader of the Team Ljubica Matic

Ljubica Matic is Associate Professor in Molecular Medicine at Karolinska Institute. She obtained a PhD degree in Medical Biochemistry from Karolinska Institute, Sweden in 2012, and a MSc degree (Cum Laude) in Molecular Biology from Belgrade University, Serbia in 2003. Since 2012 she works in the Vascular Surgery Unit at Karolinska Institute, currently as Senior Researcher and Team Leader for Translational Vascular Medicine.

Ljubica Matic coordinates one of the largest human cohorts related to carotid atherosclerosis, the Biobank of Karolinska Endarterectomies (BiKE). Since 2020 she is also the Scientific Lead and co-founder for the KI-Novo Nordisk Cardiovascular Program (Joint Steering Board member). As investigator and supervisor, she participated in several EU FP7 and Horizon 2020 projects, i.e. CarTarDis, INTRICARE, CaReCyAn, etc. Her research has been distinguished with important national and international awards and fellowships, e.g. from the Sven and Ebba Hagberg Foundation, Swedish Research Council, Swedish Society for Medical Research, Swedish Heart-Lung Foundation and American Heart Association.

Since 2004, she has also been continuously devoted to pedagogical work as mentor, lecturer, supervisor and Course Leader for undergraduate MSc and MD students in the Medicine and Biomedicine, as well as for PhD students in the Cardiovascular Program at KI.

Ljubica Matic is author of 70 articles with about 2000 citations, H-factor 23 and an average JIF 9.3. She acts as reviewer for several EU national research foundations (Austria, Poland, The Netherlands) and numerous journals, such as Atherosclerosis, Eur J Vasc and Endovasc Sur, J Vasc Sur, Cardiovasc Res, FASEB, Frontiers in Cardiovasc Med, Am J Hum Genet, ACS Nano, etc.

Read more about Ljubica at Karolinska Institutet Career Blog

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Ljubica Matic

Principal Researcher

Team members

PhD students

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Urszula Rykaczewska

Postdoctoral Researcher

EU Marie Curie International Training Network INTRICARE


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Melody Chemaly

Postdoctoral Researcher

Glykeria Karadimou

Postdoctoral Researcher

Animal lab Manager, Senior Researcher

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Hong Jin

Senior Research Specialist
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