LIME talks - Inspiring dialogue
The Department of LIME brings you a new concept; a forum for thoughts, exchanges, including possible future collaborations. It is an arena with interesting seminars, lectures and interactions with invited lecturers. LIME talks invites both internal and external participants.

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LIME talks - Inspiring lifelong learning through dialogue
30 min presentation and 30 min discussion
LIME talks is aiming to inspire life long learning through dialouge and therefore the one hour long LIME talks is clearly divided into two parts; a presentation by the LIME talks presenter and a discussion about the topic.
How does it work?
A LIME talks host proposes a subject or a presenter and gets in touch with the LIME talks coordinator to present the proposal. After consulting with the LIME talks programme council the LT coordinator comes back with an answer.
Read more below on how to become at LIME talks host and about the LIME talks roles and responsibilities.

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Roles and responsibilities within LIME talks