Previous LIME talks
See below for all LIME talks that have been held at the Department of Learning, Informatics, Management and Ethics
# 1: CLEOS - Removing Barriers To Effective Use of Clinical Knowledge (18 August 2020)
Presenters: David Zakim and Helge Brandberg
Host: Carl Johan Sundberg
# 2: Rediscover the missing link between research and practice – implementation research projects in India, Indonesia and Sweden (13 October 2020)
Presenter: Prof Nawi Ng
Host: Kristina Burström/Gert Helgesson
# 3: How can research evidence inform decision making in health care: lessons from experience (5 November 2020)
Presenter: Sir Chris Ham
Host: Pamela Mazzocato
# 4: The effects of sauna bathing (16 December 2020)
Presenter: Hans Hägglund, the "sauna doctor"
Host: Carl Johan Sundberg
# 5: Framtidens sjukvård - fokus på organisation och kunskapsstyrning (11 February 2021)
Panel discussion: Björn Wettermark, Anna Nergårdh, Göran Stiernstedt
Host: Carl Johan Sundberg
# 6: Doctors in distress. Beneath the white coat. (18 March 2021)
Presenter: Dame Clare Gerada
Panel discussion with Dame Clare Gerada, Jill Taube, Danuta Wasserman
Host: Christer Sandahl
# 7: Stockholm healthcare response to COVID 19: pandemic update and rapid impact research into the organisation and management of pandemic response (6 May 2021)
Presenter/Host: John Øvretveit
# 8: Pandemics in the 21st Century - Rearranging the Global Order (17 May 2021)
Presenter: Ok Pannenborg
Host: Tanja Tomson
# 9: Separating hype from reality when a new technology emerges (2 June 2021)
Presenters: Dr. Fariba Hashemi, Dr. Max Olivier Hongler, Dr. Olivier Gallay
Host: Carl Johan Sundberg
#10: Apollo’s Arrow: The Profound and Enduring Impact of Coronavirus on the Way We Live (18 June 2021)
Presenter: prof Nicholas Christakis, Yale University
Host: Carl Johan Sundberg
# 11: Diskutera forskningsfusk med Kjell Asplund (25 August 2021)
Presenter: Kjell Asplund
Host: Niklas Juth
# 12: Innovation systems for research-based medical technology (24 February 2022)
Presenter: Ulf Petrusson, Göteborgs universitet
Host: Carl Johan Sundberg
# 13: Studentarbeten och etikprövning – vad gäller och vad är en rimlig praxis? (20 April 2022)
Presenter: Jörgen Svidén
#14: Gender, organization and work for change (3 May 2022)
Presenter: Anna Wahl, KTH
#15: Från frustration till engagemang – läkares perspektiv i det patientnära utvecklingsarbetet (18 May 2022)
Presenters: Mats Brommels, Fredrik Bååthe, Ylva Pernow and Mairi Savage
Host: Christer Sandahl
#16: Välmående arbetsplatser genom varierad grönska (8 juni 2022)
Medverkande: Patrik Grahn, Marie Löwling, Jerker Nyblom
Moderator: Carl Johan Sundberg
#17: Exaptive innovation - repurposing drugs (14 June 2022)
Presenters: James Barlow, Björn Arvidsson
Host: Patrik Hidefjäll