Division of Clinical chemistry
Within the Department of Laboratory Medicine, the Division of Clinical Chemistry is carrying out research to elucidate the molecular basis of cardiometabolic disease integrating contemporary basic science, clinical medicine, and translational approaches.

The division is scientifically involved in several basic research projects as well as clinically oriented projects and contributes to the overall teaching efforts of Laboratory Medicine, one of the largest departments of education at Karolinska Institutet.
Research groups
Uwe Tietge research group
Ingemar Björkhem/Ulf Diczfaulsy research
The division is also involved in the Cardio Metabolic Unit (CMU).
Coordinator: Paolo Parini.
The education provided at Clinical Chemistry spans a wide range of courses and programs including Medicine, Dentistry, Nursery and the Biomedical Analyst program, and also includes validation of foreign degrees, pedagogical education for university teachers, as well as stand-alone courses.
Responsible for education at the division
Maura Heverin, PhD: Deputy Head of the Division
Anna-Klara Rundlöf, PhD
Veronika Tillander, PhD
Staffan Wallin, PhD
Mass spectrometry platform
The division operates SMART (Small Molecule Analysis for Research and Teaching), a state-of-the-art mass spectrometry platform to comprehensively analyze virtually all small molecules and aid in metabolic flux measurements. SMART is open for all interested entities from inside as well as outside Karolinska Institutet.
Staff in the facility
Uwe Tietge, managing director
Anita Lövgren Sandblom, laboratory technician
Division head
Uwe Tietge
Professor/Clinical ChemistDivision coordinators
Find us
Division of Clinical chemistry
ANA Futura
Alfred Nobels Allé 8, 8th floor (see map)
141 52 Huddinge
C1 62 Karolinska University hospital Huddinge
14186 Stockholm