Zebrafish core facility
The zebrafish facility at Karolinska Institutet is the largest zebrafish core facility in the Nordic countries. Our core facility offers everything from the provision of animals, technical training to the running of complex research projects.
We welcome both internal and external academic research groups, as well as non-academic customers, to our core facility. No previous experience with the zebrafish model is needed.
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Zebrafish in biomedical research
A fast and flexible stand-alone animal model or a crucial complement to your other research animals.

Courses and education on zebrafish
We offer basic and advanced education for researchers and animal caretaker staff according to Swedish regulations

The Nordic Zebrafish Network
The nordic zebrafish network (NZN) was established in November 2023 with the aim of creating a robust framework for those working with and performing research on zebrafish.

Information for scientists and other professionals
Here you will find detailed information on our fish-lines, housing conditions, biosafety and more. If you have any further questions or would like to obtain a copy of our SOPs please contact zebrafish-office@km.ki.se

Information for corporate customers
Here you will find specific information for corporate customers including the service pipelines we provide.
If you have any further questions, please contact zebrafish-office@km.ki.se

Facts about our core facility
Location: KI Campus Solna
Director: Lars Bräutigam
Key words: zebrafish, pre-clinical
Department: Comparative medicine
Funding: User fees and core facility funding
External use: Zebrafish Core Facility is also available to external users (find out more about External use of KI's core facilities)