About the Institute of Environmental medicine
The Institute of Environmental Medicine (IMM) is a research department at Karolinska Institutet and provides authorities in Sweden and EC as well as international organizations like The World Health Organization (WHO) with expertise, support and advice regarding environmental health risk assessments.
Research at IMM is carried out in four major areas:
- epidemiology
- toxicology
- physiology
- environmental and occupational medicine.
IMM has about 350 employees and associated.

The research at IMM is led by a chair and the applied activities are led by a director. Both positions are held by the same person.
Anna Bergström
Head/directorManagement team
Anna Bergström
Head and director of IMMBengt Fadeel
Deputy headMaria Kippler
Deputy headLena Palmberg
Director of doctoral educationJohanna Zilliacus
Departmental director of educationHenrik Jonsson
Head of AdministrationContact
Address: Box 210, SE-171 77 Stockholm
Visiting address: Nobels väg 13, Karolinska Institutet, Solna
Phone number: +46 8 524 800 00 (Karolinska Institutet), Fax number: +46 8 336 981
Search staff at IMM/KI
Anna Persson
Communication OfficerIMM finance administration
Board of Directors
A board of directors comprising representatives from a number of Swedish Government Authorities.
Anna Bessö, Chair
Public Health Agency of Sweden
Anna Bergström, Vice Chair
Sandra Ceccatelli
Karolinska Institutet
Veronica Arthurson
Swedish Medical Products Agency
Annika Rahm
National Board of Housing, Building and Planning
Helena Brunnkvist
National Food Administration
Agneta Falk Filipsson
Public Health Agency of Sweden
Bert-Ove Lund
Swedish Chemicals Inspectorate
Maria Ohlman
Swedish Environmental Protection Agency
Carl Bladh
Swedish Radiation Safety Authority
Sven Hunhammar
Swedish Transport Administration
Ingemar Rödin
Swedish Work Environment Authority
Environmental Medicine at the Karolinska Institute (KI) has its origins in the Public hygiene department at the former National Institute for Public Health, which was established over seventy years ago. Since then both the organization and the responsible authorities for the state environmental medicine have changed several times before the Institute of Environmental Medicine (IMM) was added as special department at KI in 1988.
IMM of today was established in 1993 through a merger between IMM and the KI departments for toxicology and hygiene. During last years research groups in occupational toxicology, lung and allergy research has been transferred to IMM, from among others the National Institute of Working Life and Stockholm County Council.
1939: The public hygiene department for the National Institute for Public Health
1972: Environmental health department at the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency
1980: State Environmental Health Laboratory (SKL)
1988: SML is incorporated with KI and the Institute of Environmental Medicine (IMM) is established
1993: Common organization for IMM and the departments for toxicology and hygine at Karolinska Insitutet
1997: Genetic toxicology, occupational toxicology and epidemiology research groups are transferred to IMM from the National Institute of Working Life
2002: Lung- and allegry research-and health risk assessment groups are transferred from the National Institute of Working Life to IMM
Previous heads of IMM
- Professor Ulla Stenius (2014-2022)
- Professor Anders Ahlbom (2009-2013)
- Professor Göran Pershagen (2000-2008)
- Professor Sten Orrenius (1988-1999)
- Professor Lars Friberg (1957-1987)