Sexual reproductive health and rights (SRHR) | Global and Sexual Health research group
Human rights related to sexual and reproductive health are closely linked to a variety of charged topics in social debate, including: abortion and contraception, adolescents and gender identity, gender based violence (GBV), access to obstetric care, and other health disparities among men who have sex with men (MSM). Our research explores these topics with the ultimate goal of ensuring sexual and reproductive rights for all.

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Areas of focus
- Abortion and contraception
- Adolescents and gender identity
- Gender based violence (GBV)
- Men who have sex with Men (MSM)
- Emergency obstetric care
List of Research Projects
- Abortion and Contraceptive Stigma in Kenya – A Quasi Experimental Evaluation Study (Kenya)
For more information contact: Marlene Makenzius - Adolescent's perspectives of sexual wellbeing and consent (Uganda, Ecuador)
For more information contact: Anna Kågesten - Arabic speaking migrants views on sex education in Sweden (Sweden)
For more information contact: Elin Larsson - Capacity-building through a Cluster Randomized Trial -- A Pre- and Post-Test Intervention to Prevent Abortion and Contraceptive-use Stigma among Health Care Providers, Teachers and Students in Kenya (Kenya)
For more information contact: Marlene Makenzius - Choice and use of contraception with special focus on youth and migrant women (Sweden)
For more information contact: Kristina Gemzell Danielsson - CTEST: Förbättra unga svenska män hälso- och sjukvård användning för Chlamydia trachomatis infektion upptäckt och behandling. Hur kan vi göra det? (Sweden)
For more information contact: Mariano Salazar - Digitalisation of youth clinics in Sweden -access to care during COVID19 (Sweden)
For more information contact: Anna Nielsen - EXPLORE 4 ACTION Improving sexual and reproductive health among early adolescents in Indonesia (Indonesia)
For more information contact: Anna Kågesten - EBA - SRHR Policy, aid and norms and values on gender (WVS) - three country EBA evaluation (Kenya)
For more information contact: Anna Kågesten - Effectiveness of online HIV prevention intervention among MSM in Vietnam (Vietnam)
For more information contact: Anna Thorson - GBV in South Africa Buddy Study (South Africa)
For more information contact: Anna Kågesten - HPV , HIV and anal cancer lesions
- For more information contact: Anna Mia Ekström
- Hur förbättrar vi unga mäns sexuella och psykiska hälsa? Ett implementeringsprojekt bland unga manliga migranter i Stockholms län (Sweden)
For more information contact: Mariano Salazar - IMPROVE – Promoting equitable reproductive health: IMplementing best practice postpartum contraceptive services through a quality imPROVEment initiative for and with immigrant women in Sweden (Sweden)
For more information contact: Elin Larsson - I-Share ANSER study (Sweden + 30 other countries)
- IPV and sexual violence against women in Nepal (Nepal)
For more information contact: Keshab Deuba - Maskuliniteter och våld mot kvinnor bland ungdomar: Identifiera diskurser och utveckla strategier för förändring med hjälp av en blandad metod (Sweden)
For more information contact: Mariano Salazar - Migrants - mental health in relation to SRHR and risk behaviours in young migrants in Sweden (Sweden)
For more information contact: Anna Mia Ekström - Migrants - sexual and reproductive health and rights in relatin to norms, HIV and risk behaviours in young migrants in Sweden (Sweden)
For more information contact: Anna Mia Ekström - Point of care testing for viral load among youth living with HIV- EA-PoC EDCTP (Tanzania, Uganda, Kenya)
For more information contact: Anna Mia Ekström - Post-abortion care and contraceptive counselling by midlevel providers and physicians. Facility based studies in Western Kenya (Kenya)
For more information contact: Marlene Makenzius - Preventing unwanted pregnancy and improving post-abortion care among young people in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda - community and facility based studies (Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda)
For more information contact: Elisabeth Faxelid - Scaling up low-cost technology for improved intrapartum fetal surveillance and neonatal resuscitation in Nepal (SUSTAIN) (Nepal)
For more information contact: Helena Litorp - Sexual and Reproductive health and right and HIV services uptake among migrants in Sweden (Sweden)
For more information contact: Anna Mia Ekström - Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights: Measuring Values and Norms to Guide Swedish Development Cooperation.
For more information contact: Anna Mia Ekström - Sida collaboraration - contraceptive use among youth in Uganda (Uganda)
For more information contact: Elin Larsson - The impact of the Zika virus epidemic on coping and reproductive plans amoung young couples in Colombia (Colombia)
For more information contact: Anna Mia Ekström - Ujamaa – reducing genderbased violence in Kenya (Kenya)
For more information contact: Anna Kågesten - Ujamaa – reducing genderbased violence in Malawi (Malawi)
For more information contact: Anna Kågesten - World values Survey. Norms and values on gender, sexual and reproductive health and rights in Africa (Nigeria, Egypt, Zimbabawe, possibly Kenya and Rwanda)
For more information contact: Anna Mia Ekström - World Values Survey. Norms and values on gender, sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) and womens economic empowerment (WEE) (India)
For more information contact: Anna Mia Ekström