The KI Alumni Network
Our alumni are very important to us. We hope that you want to keep in touch with KI through our alumni network, KI Alumni, with over 19,000 members across the world.
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KI Alumni Ambassadors
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San Francisco KI Alumni Ambassador
William Jonsson, PhD
Our official alumni ambassador for the greater San Francisco area
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Stockholm KI Alumni Ambassador
Edit Szdorai, PhD
Our official alumni ambassador in the Stockholm region
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Tokyo KI Alumni Ambassador
Takeaki Dohda, PhD
Our official alumni ambassador in Tokyo and Japan
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More on KI Alumni Ambassadors and the Alumni Network
We believe in personal contacts to build stronger connections, engagement, and initiative. There are many ways to encourage networking, career and support, and by getting involved you can help us in building a strong, global and professional alumni network.
Photo: pexels-cottonbro
Photo: KI Alumni
Photo: Getty Images
Photo: Getty Images.
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Do you want to contribute to new research breakthroughs? You can be part of helping groundbreaking knowledge and development continue.
Photo: Martin Stenmark