Stellenbosch Institute for Advanced Study STIAS

STIAS, located in Stellenbosch, South Africa, was established in 1999 to provide a ‘creative space for the mind’, a fellowship programme that would advance cross-disciplinary research at the highest level.

Modelled on similar institutes internationally, STIAS is the first of its kind in Africa. In this programme, leading researchers and intellectuals from across the world are supported to think innovatively and pursue sustainable strategies to the challenges facing the world, with a focus on Africa. 

Offering various fellowships and scholarships, STIAS provides a uniquely supportive space for thinking, reading, debating and writing. While in residence, established and early-career researchers and artists meet daily over lunch, present and participate in weekly seminars, and organise conferences for a wider audience. In creating and curating this space, STIAS provides ideal conditions for innovative and original thinking to thrive. The Institute has funding from the Wallenberg foundations. 

Applications for residential fellowships

STIAS welcomes fellowship applications on a semester deadline basis. Applications for residential fellowships of one academic semester (approximately mid-January to mid-June or mid-July to mid-December) may be submitted via e-mail in advance of announced deadlines on the STIAS website.  

For more information about STIAS and how to apply for the STIAS Programme please see their website.

Several KI researchers have been fellows at STIAS, including:

Content reviewer:
Emma Hägg