Collaboration in Germany

Karolinska Institutet and German universities have a long tradition of collaboration. Research collaborations are spread over different research fields, take place between individual researchers and are not centrally regulated.

There are a few exceptions, where collaborative agreements, projects and activities are initiated and supported centrally.

Collaborative agreements

KI has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Charite Universitätsmedizin Berlin.

Charite Universitätsmedizin Berlin

The collaboration gives the possibility to develop collaborative research and training in areas of mutual interest, such as global health research, cancer research, precision medicine, advanced therapy medical products and artificial intelligence. The collaboration was initiated in 2024. 

Bachelor's and master's education

KI study programmes have bilateral exchange agreements with German universities.

For current agreements on student exchange and more information search the map where all student exchange agreements can be found.

Doctoral education

A majority of the doctoral students that spend time at KI are doing so outside formal agreements. In most cases, the doctoral students are visiting KI within existing research collaborations. For information regarding current doctoral agreements at departmental level, please contact the relevant department and search the map.

Post doctoral education

The majority of the international researchers doing a post doc at KI stay without a formal agreement between the institutions. The activities take place between researchers are not centrally regulated.

All postdoctoral positions are located at KI's departments, and most are also initiated from the departments. KI has no central post doc agreements with any German university.

Collaboration awards

Karolinska Institutet offers collaboration awards to conduct collaboration in line with the collaborative agreement with Charite Universitätsmedizin Berlin. These calls are announced on


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Isabella Palomba Rydén

International Coordinator
Emma Hägg