South Africa-Sweden University Forum (SASUF)
SASUF 2030 is a strategic internationalisation project uniting 40 universities from Sweden and South Africa. Bringing together researchers, teachers, students, university leaders and other stakeholders, the project will develop joint solutions to the challenges posed by the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Agenda 2030.

With the momentum built between Sweden and South Africa over the past few years, SASUF 2030 will pilot new ways of working with strategic internationalisation. In addition to the broad range of activities already successfully proven in our initial collaboration between 2018-2020, SASUF 2030 will introduce new tools such as grants to develop virtual exchange, the inclusion of students in all aspects of the partnership and a new, interactive format for bilateral research seminars.
40 partner universities
SASUF 2030 is coordinated by Uppsala University. Karolinska Institutet joined SASUF in September 2018. SASUF is funded by the Swedish Foundation for International Cooperation in Research and Higher Education (STINT), as well as by the 40 partner universities themselves.
More information about activities that are coming up will be presented later.
Follow SASUF2030 on Facebook for updates.
Funding opportunities for collaboration between South Africa and Sweden
Research and innovation weeks
The next research and innovation week within SASUF is planned for 2025.
SASUF Student Network
Student involvement is an important part of SASUF 2030. Read more about student activity within SASUF. Medicinska föreningen (the medical students' association) has appointed a student representative from KI.
Join the SASUF Student Network Facebook Group
Contacts at KI
For questions, please contact project manager for Karolinska Institutet's participation in SASUF: