Collaboration in Brazil

The collaboration in Brazil includes both education and research activities with Brazilian universities, hospitals and institutions. Focus areas are research interaction and innovation and student exchange programmes. 

The majority of the activities with Brazilian collaborators takes place between researchers. Most of the activities are in the fields of  immunology and infectious diseases, neuroscience, odontology,and psychiatry. There is an extended and more strategic collaboration with Universidade de São Paulo (USP) and the region of Sao Paulo.

Collaborative agreements

KI has agreements at different levels with different institutes in Brazil, but the majority of the activities with Brazilian collaborators takes place between researchers and are not centrally regulated. There are a few exceptions, where collaborative agreements, projects and activities are initiated and supported centrally.

KI has signed Memoranda of Understanding with the following universities and research foundations:

KI is also a member of CISB, the Swedish-Brazilian Research and Innovation Centre, wich is a private non-profit association that acts as a platform to connect innovation ecosystems and facilitates the collaboration between Sweden and Brazil.

Steering group

An operative steering group's is leading the work and its focus is on stimulate and deepen new and on-going collaborations with Brazil. The members of KI's steering group are:

Pontus Nauclér (Academic coordinator for Brazil)

Antonio Gigliotti Rothfuchs

Martin Schalling

Lisa Westerberg

Terese Stenfors

Maria Olsson

Bachelor's and master's education

A few KI study programmes have bilateral exchange agreements with Brasilian universities.

For current agreements on student exchange and more information search the map where all agreements can be found.

Collaborations on doctoral level

For information regarding PhD-agreements at the departmental level, please contact the relevant department. There are no PhD collaboration agreements coordinated by the International Relations Unit.

Looking for research collaborators?

Are you interested to collaborate with Brazilian researchers, and looking for a collaborator at USP?
Contact the academic coordinator Pontus Naucler and he will try to facilitate.

Collaboration on national levels

Funding possibilities when collaboration with Brazil

There are several opportunities and possibilities if you are collaborating with Brazil offered by Brazilian and Swedish Funding Agencies.

Brazilian agencies

Swedish agencies


New call 
FAPEPS SPRINT Call for Proposals 3/2024

Submission Deadline: February 24, 2025

Profile image

Maria Olsson


Pontus Naucler

Academic coordinator KI-Brazil collaboration
Profile image

Martin Schalling

National contact person Health/ Life Science SBII & CISB