News 2023 (Harris' research group)

Latest news from 2023


2023-12-21 We receive 500,000 NOR from Alltid Litt Sterkere for our research on ALS.

2023-12-08 Postdoc Yigit Koray Babal is awarded a Wenner-Gren Foundation stipend.

2023-12-07 Bob attends the 2023 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine lecture. 

2023-12-06 Bob teaches an ‘Introduction to Doctoral Education at KI’ for new PhD students.

2023-12-04 Bob receives a delegation visit from Shangdong University.

2023-11-30 Bob teaches supervisor training at the University of Zagreb, Croatia.

2023-11-28 Bob receives an Honorary Doctorate at the Iuliu Hatieganu University of Medicine and Pharmacy (UMF) Cluj-Napoca, Romania.

2023-11-27 Bob teaches at the Basic Supervisor Training course at for KI PhD supervisors.

2023-11-23/24 Bob hosts the annual EUROLIFE network meeting at KI.

2023-11-14/14 Bob attends the NeurotechEU summit in Lille, France.

2023-11-13 Bob teaches at the EATRIS course in Translational Medicine in Berlin, Germany.

2023-11-10 Bob puts the doctor’s hats on 267 new KI PhD doctors during the graduation ceremony at City Hall.

2023-11-08 Bob receives a visit from Taiwan ambassador Klement Gu and the director of education section Dr. Robin Lu. 

2023-10-31/11-04 Bob leads a delegation from KI visiting Fudan University, Jiao Tong University and attending the CAMS-KI joint symposium in Shanghai, China.

2023-10-30 Bob gives a lecture ‘The microglial niche in neurodegeneration - understanding. pathology and targeting for immunotherapy’ at Shanghai Medical College, Fudan University, China.

2023-10-25 Bob teaches an ‘Introduction to Doctoral Education at KI’ for new PhD students.

2023-10-19/20 Bob delivers a plenary lecture ‘The future of research assessment in the Open Science Era’and teaches at the ’Best practices in leadership in student mentoring in life science’ educational workshop hosted by the Latvian Biochemical Society/FEBS in Riga, Latvia. 

2023-10-16 Bob teaches at the ‘Clinical and Experimental Neuroimmunology’ PhD course at KI.

2023-10-12 Bob teaches at ‘The interplay between Neuro-infections and Neurodegenerative diseases’ PhD course at KI.

2023-10-12 Bob introduces 4 prize winners during the annual KI Professors installation.

2023-10-5/6 Bob attends the annual KiiM retreat at Djurönäset.

2023-10-02 Sebastian Lewandowski receives 150,000 SEKproject funding from the Ollie & Elof Ericssons Stiftelse.

2023-09-28 2023-04-25 Bob receives a visit from University of Tokyo representative Haruhiko Bito to discuss collaboration.

2023-09-25 Bob teaches at the Basic Supervisor Training course at for KI PhD supervisors.

2023-09-16 We received KID funding from KI for a PhD student to study AEC therapy in neurodegeneration

2023-10-2/3 Bob is part of a KI delegation hosting a visit to KI and KS from the National University Hospital in Singapore.

2023-09-28 Bob teaches supervisor training at the University of Zagreb, Croatia.

2023-09-14 Bob represents Swedish medical faculties in a debate/workshop about ‘Skuggdoktorander’ organised by UKÄ.

2023-09-5/6 Bob leads a KI delegation that visits the University of Iceland in Reykjavik.

2023-08-24/25 Bob talks at the ECATS Clinical Science Training Programme in Edinburgh.

2023-06-08 Bob opens the Nordoc summit meeting hosted by KI..

2023-08-14 Bob hosts a visit to KI from the Peking University Health Science Centre.

2023-07-01 Yigit Koray Babal joins Sebastian Lewandowski’s team as a Postdoctoral fellow

2023-07-01 Jacob Arie van Diermen joins Sebastian Lewandowski’s team  as a Research assistant

2023-06-25/30 Bob visits 5 universities in Beijing and Shangdong, China to discuss further collaboration with research and education.

2023-06-14 Bob hosts a visit to KI from the Ambassador of the Dominican Republic.

2023-06-08 Bob opens the KI-National University of Singapore digital workshop in medical imaging.

2023-06-07 Bob opens the KI-University of Tokyo digital summit.

2023-05-31/06-01 Bob hosts the NeurotechEU Rectors summit at KI.

2023-05-29/30 Bob and group members attend the StratNeuro retreat 2023 at Djuronäset.

2023-05-26 Bob teaches supervisor training at the University of Zagreb, Croatia.

2023-05-20 PhD student Keying Zhu’s masterpiece ‘Myeloid cell‐specific topoisomerase 1 inhibition using DNA origami mitigates neuroinflammation’ is published in EMBO Reports.

2023-05-18 Bob delivers a plenary lecture ‘Leadership in Supervision’ at the Research Supervision: Growing Excellence symposium hosted by the IUA Deans of graduate studies, at UCD, Dublin, Ireland.

2023-05-17 Keying Zhu successfully defends his PhD thesis with Professor Mikael Simons, German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases, Technical University Munich, as faculty opponent.

2023-05-04 Bob gives a lecture about ‘Giving and Receiving Feedback’ to the DSA at KI.

2023-04-27 Jin successfully conducts his halftime control.

2023-04-25 Keying officially nails up his thesis at the KI library.

2023-04-25 Bob teaches at the Basic Supervisor Training course at for KI PhD supervisors.

2023-04-25 Bob teaches an ‘Introduction to Doctoral Education at KI’ for new PhD students.

2023-04-21/22 Bob takes part in the national meeting of Swedish Medical University Deans, hosted at KI.

2023-04-19 Bob teaches ‘Professionalism in doctoral education’ for PhD supervisors at KI.

2023-04-17/18 Bob is part of an expert panel evaluation ÖJO funding of doctoral education at Flemish Universities.

2023-04-13/15 Bob gives a plenary lecture (‘The future of research assessment in the Open Science era`) at the ORPHEUS conference in Leuven, Belgium.

2023-03-29/30 Bob hosts a visit to KI from the University of Reykjavik, a NeurotechEU partner.

2023-03-23 Bob hosts a visit to KI from the Chinese Ambassador.

2023-03-06 Bob hosts a visit to KI from the Charge d'Affaires, Uzbekistan.

2023-02-22 Bob begins teaching a supervisor training course held digitally for researchers within the NeurotechEU European University Alliance. The course is for 1 day per week stretching over 5 weeks.

2023-02-20/21 Keying wins the ‘best presentation’ prize at the KNIMS lab retreat held at Saltsjöbadan.

2023-02-14 Bob teaches during the Eatris 'The Circle of Translational Research Medicine' course in Barcelona, Spain.

2023-02-02 Bob teaches supervisor training at the University of Zagreb, Croatia.

2023-01-01 Bob meets with Swedish education minister Mats Persson during his visit to KI.

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