News archive 2015-2020 (Harris' research group)

News from the years 2015-2020. Navigate on the page with the menu (above or to the left) for a specific year



22-10-2020 The Norwegian foundation Alltid Litt Sterkere donates 500 000 SEK to our research efforts.

18-10-2020 Bob gives an address and a research lecture during the 130th Anniversary symposium of Qilu Hospital, Shangdong, China.

17-09-2020 Jinming's latest research findings are published in IJMS.

07-07-2020 Bob reviews a Collaborative Research Centre application for DFG (Germany).

29-06-2020 Sebastian receives €198700 in research funding from the Thierry Latran Foundation.

07-05-2020 Bob holds a research webinar within 'IWF Framtidens Medicin.'

06-05-2020 Keying's latest research findings are published in Glia.

01-06-2020 Keying receives a KI travel grant (14 000 SEK) to attend a Cold Spring Harbour conference on Glia in Japan.

15-01-2020 Bob gives an invited research seminar at the Heinrich Heine University in Dusselsdorf, Germany.



18-12-2019 AlzheimerFonden awards 500 000 SEK to our research efforts.

06-12-2019  Bob evaluates the doctoral programme at the University of Beira Interior, Covilha, Portugal.

22-11-2019  Former PhD students Harald Lund and Melanie Pieber receive their PhD diplomas and doctor's hats from Bob during the official ceremony at City Hall (see photos).

12-11-2019 CancerFonden awards 2 400 000 SEK for our research efforts in glioma.

11/12-11-2019  Bob teaches during the Eatris 'Translation Medicine Explained (TMEX)' course in Barcelona, Spain.

21-10-2019  Bob visits Shangdong University in Jinan, China.

18-10-2019  Bob presents at the CSC fair in Bejing, China.

03/04-10-2019  PhD student Jinming Han presents his poster at the annual Karolinska Inflammation and Immunology network (KiiM) retreat at Lidingö.

30-09-2019  PhD student Jinming Han is appointed as a section editor for Annals of Translational Medicine (from October 2019 to September 2020.

27/28-09-2019  Bob gives a plenary scientific lecture and a plenary educational lecture as well as leading a workshop on supervision at the FEBS-HDBMB2019 Croatian Society of Biochemistry annual conference in Louvran, Croatia.

21-09-2019  Bob attends the annual Alltid Litt Stekere meeting in Oslo, Norway, acting as a panel member to discuss ALS with the public. Alltid Litt Stekere generously grants us 250 000 NOK for our research programme.

11-13-09-2019  PhD student Jinming presents his poster at the 35th Congress of the European Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis ( ECTRIMS ) in Stockholm, Sweden.

24-06-2019  PhD student Jinming Han receives a free registration as a travel grant to attend The European Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis (ECTRIMS) 2019 at Stockholm, Sweden.

03-06-06-2019  PhD students Jinming Han and Keying Zhu present posters at The Second Conference on Molecular Mechanisms of Inflammation at Trondheim, Norway. Jinming Han receives a travel grant from the SWIMM

07-06-2019 HjärnFonden awards 600 000 SEK to our research efforts.

23-24-05-2019 Bob attends the EUROLIFE 20th anniversary annual meeting in Leiden, Holland.

26-04-2019 PhD student Melanie Pieber successfully defends her thesis with Prof Andreas Schlitzer (Bonn, Germany) as faculty opponent.

12-04-2019 Bob gives a research seminar at BMC, Uppsala University, Sweden.

08-10-04-2019 Bob gives a talk about 'Doctoral Education i Europe and the ORPHEUS vision' at the National meeting of Medical Deans in Lund, Sweden.

21-23-03-2019 Bob gives a talk about 'Current and Futire Trends in Doctoral Eduction - Global Trends' at the 14th ORPHEUS conference in Dublin, Ireland.

15-03-2019 Jinming successfully conducts his halftime control.

13-02-2019 Bob gives a KI Discovers research seminar at Nobel Forum.

01-02-2019 Bob teaches a supervisor training workshop at University College Dublin, Ireland.

30-01-2019 Bob conducts a 4hr supervisor workshop at the Julich Research Centre, Julich, Geremany.

17-01-2019 Bob participates in plenary discussion panel at EUA-CDE thematic workshop on 'Inter-institutional collaboration' at Vrije University, Amsterdam, Holland.

01-01-2019 Bob assumes the role of Academic Vice-President for Doctoral Education at Karolinska Institutet.



24-12-2018 Keying's latest research article is published in Brain Research.

14-12-2018 AlzheimerFonden awards 700 000 SEK to our research efforts.

13-12-2018 BarnCancerFonden awards 1 000 000 SEK to our research efforts.

12-11-2018 The Board of Doctoral Education at KI awarded Bob PhD student funding (KID).

23-10-2018 Harald’s latest research article is accepted for publication in Nature Communications.

23-10-2018 Bob teaches at Luleå University at the supervisor training session on ILOs and feedback.

08-10-2018 Bob gives plenary lectures as part of the ‘Grand Rounds’ and ‘Graduate Programe Administrators Conference’ during a 3-day visit to Vanderbilt University, Nashville, USA.

20->21-09-2018 Melanie, Jinming and Keying present posters at the annual KiiM conference at Lidingö.

15-09-2018 Bob conducts a 6hr supervisor workshop at the School of Medicine, University of Minho, Covilha, Portugal.

22-08-2018 Jinming’s latest review article is accepted for publication in Glia.

15-06-2018 Bob conducts a 4hr supervisor workshop at the Department of Clinical Medicine, University of Beira Interior, Covilha, Portugal.

12-06-2018 PhD students Jinming Han and Keying Zhu each receive an EFIA-EJI Travel Grant in order to attend the 5th European Congress of Immunology (ECI 2018) in Amsterdam in Septemebr 2018.

11-06-2018 Bob examines PhD student Alba Manresa Arraut at the University of Copenhagen as faculty opponent.

01-06-2018 PhD student Harald Lund successfully defends his thesis with Prof Martin Guilliams (Ghent, Belgium) as faculty opponent.

23-26-05-2018 Bob gives a talk about giving and receiving professional feedback at the 13th ORPHEUS conference in Reykjavik, Iceland.

09-05-2018 PhD student Harald Lund nails up his thesis.

03-05-2018 The Norwegian foundation Alltid Litt Sterkere donates 200 000 SEK to our research efforts.

26-04-2018 Bob gives a talk about lessons learned in reserach at the CMM Day 2018

16->20-04-2018 Bob teaches at the ENLIGHTEN/C-COMEND course in Translational Medicine in Berlin, Germany.

13-04-2018 Bob gives a plenary lecture at the FEBS/Biochemistry Society conference in Chester, UK

16-03-2018 PhD student Marie N’diaye that Bob is co-supervisor for successfully defends her PhD thesis.

10-03-2018 Harald’s latest scientific masterpiece is accepted for publication in Nature Immunology.

09-03-2018 Bob teaches a supervisor training workshop at University College Dublin, Ireland.

06-03-2018 PhD student Melanie Pieber receives travel grants from KI fonder and Gålöstiftelsen to support her attendance at ISNI 2018 in Brisbane, Australia.

26-01-2018 Bob examines KI PhD student Twana Alkasalias as a thesis commitee member.

18-01-2018 Bob examines KI PhD student Johanna Snäll as a thesis commitee member.



13-12-2017 AlzheimerFonden awards the group 200 000 SEK research funds for 2018.

13-12-2017 Bob examines Stockholm University PhD student Sachie Kanatani as a thesis commitee member.

11-12-2017 Bob examines KI PhD student Lora Deuitch as a thesis commitee member.

08-12-2017 Melanie conducts her halftime control review.

06-12-2017 Bob gives a double lecture on microglia-astrocyte biology to Biomedicine Masters students.

02-12-2017 Bob is examiner as faculty opponent for PhD student Cecilia Hagert at Turku University, Finland.

30-11-2017 PhD student Eyglo Gudmundsdottir successfully defends her thesis with Dr Ullakarin Nyberg (KI) as faculty opponent.

24-11-2017 Bob examines KI PhD student Maria Teresa Fernandez as a thesis commitee member.

22-11-2017 Results from the Employee Survey for our group were very favourable:

20-11-2017 After 9 years in the lab we say goodbye to Roham and wish him well for his postdoc at the Rockefeller University, New York, USA.

09->10-11-20117 Bob attends the STINT project executive steering board retreat in Stockholm.

18->20-10-2017 The group attends the SSI congress in Stockholm, with Harald giving an oral presentation, and Melanie, Roham and Jinming presenting posters.

09->13/10-2017 Bob teaches at and Melanie attends the C-COMEND course in Translational Medicine in Berlin, Germany.

02-10-2017 Bob gives a lecture on macrophage biology to Biomedicine Masters students.

26-9-2017 Bob teaches at Luleå University at the supervisor training session on ILOs and feedback.

21->23-9-2017 Bob presents the groups latest research at the EMDS congress in Madrid, Spain.

7-9-2017 Bob gives a plenary lecture at the ‘New Horizons in Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Education congress at the Weizmann Institute of Science, Revohot, Israel.

21->23-08-2017 Bob teaches supervisor training to 27 researchers from the Helmholtz association in Germany.

15-08-2017 Bob’s first article about doctoral education in accepted for publication in FEBS Open Bio.

06-08-2017 Andreas’s MDA-MOG article is accepted for publication in Neuromolecular Medicine.

28-07-2017 Harald & Melanie’s review article is accepted for publication in Frontiers in Aging.

12-06-2017 Jinming Han & Xing-Mei’s review article is accepted for publication in Molecular Brain.

06-06-2017 Bob attends the C-COMEND consortium  annual meeting in Hannover.

05-6-2017 Hjärnfonden awards the group 1 000 000 SEK in research funds for 2017-2019.

04->06-05-2017 Bob attends the ORPHEUS annual congress in Klaipeda, Lithuania and particpates in a debate entitled ‘Only excellence versus more equal opportunities in PhD education.’

28-4-2017 PhD student Chao Sun defends his thesis ‘Studies of b-AP15 – a novel inhibitor of proteasome deubiquitinase activity‘ with Petter Höglund as faculty opponent.

20->22-3-2017 Bob gives a lecture at the Universitas 21 annual meeting in Dublin, Ireland.

15-3-2017 Bob teaches at Luleå University at the supervisor training session on ILOs and feedback.

16->17-02-2017 Bob hosted the C-COMEND consortium for their annual meeting.



21-12-2016 AlzheimerFonden awards the group 400 000 SEK research funds for 2017.

07-12-2012 Jinming Han is registered as a PhD student in the Department of Clinical Neuroscience.

14-12-2016 The Board of Doctoral Education at KI awarded Bob PhD student funding (KID).

12-12-2016 Harald Lund gives a research seminar at MTC, KI on microglial depletion models.

28->30-11-2016 Bob teaches at and co-arranges a course in Translational Medicine within the EU-funded C-COMEND consortium in Manchester, UK.

23-11-2016 PhD student Andreas Warnecke’s latest study is published online in Journal of Neuroimmunology.

10-11-2016 Bob gives a lecture at Uppsala University in the Immune, Gene & Cell Therapy postgraduate course.

25-10-2016 Bob teaches a double session for supervisors at Luleå Technical University, Sweden, in ‘Outcome-based doctoral training’ and ‘Professional responsibility of supervisors.’

17-10-2016 KI fonder grants research funds to the Harris group for both 2016 & 2017.

14-10-2016 Xing-Mei Zhang, Melanie Pieber, Harald Lund and Jinming Han attend the KiiM annual retreat at Sånga Säby, Ekerö, Sweden,  and Harald wins the ‘Best Poster’ prize.

7-10-2016 Bob attends the AMSE annual congress in Prague, Czechoslovakia and gives a plenary lecture ‘Why the Karolinska does (not) need clinical PhDs.’

3-10-2016 Jinming Han joins the Applied Immunology & Immunotherapy group.

21-09-2016 PhD student Melanie Pieber and postdoc Roham Parsa present their work at the EMDC conference in Amsterdam. Melanie received an SLB travel award.

12-09-2016 Bob attends the Vitae Researcher Development International Conference 2016 in Manchester, UK, and gives a plenary lecture ‘Supervisor development: pedagogies, engagement and evaluation.’

02-08-2016 PhD students Roham Parsa and Harald Lund’s latest study is published online at Glia.

25-07-2016 PhD students Roham Parsa and Harald Lund  publish an article in The Journal of Experimental Medicine. 

17-06-2016 Bob attends the 9th EUA-CDE Annual Meeting, Tarragona, Spain, and is an invited speaker  in a roundtable discussion‘Quality or Quantity? What is the dilemma in research education?’ at the  June 2016.

14-06-2016 PhD student Andreas Warnecke successfully defends his thesis with Prof Christoph Binder (Vienna) as faculty opponent.

09->12-03-2016 Bob attends the 11th ORPHEUS conference in Köln, Germany and gives two plenary lectures, ‘The ORPHEUS mission – aims and challenges’ & ‘What happens when you train supervisors – the KI experience’.

22-02-2016 Bob gives a plenary lecture at the workshop ‘Better research through PhD education in health science’ in Istanbul, Turkey



16-09-2015 Bob gives a lecture about Macrophage Biology to PhD students during the Basic Immunologytraining course.

09->10-09-2015 Bob evaluates Doctoral Education at Örebro University on behalf of UKÄ.

03-09-2015 Bob evaluates Doctoral Education at the University of Iceland on behalf of ORPHEUS.

24->25-08-2015 Bob evaluates INCA award applications on behalf of the Swedish Medical Research Council.

12-06-2015 PhD student Roham Parsa successfully defends his thesis with Assoc Prof Jordi Ochando (New York) as faculty opponent.

11-05-2015 Bob gives a double plenary lecture at Aarhus University, Denmark, ‘Professional conduct of Supervisors’ and ‘Outcome-based research training’

21-04-2015 Professor Frank Heppner from the Charite-Universitätsmedizin, Berlin, Germany visits us on the initiative of the Swedish National Research school in Inflammation. Frank will discuss PhD student Harald Lund’s project regarding pathogeneiss of Alzheimer’s disease and give Harald constructive feedback about both scientific progress and future plans.

16->18-04-2015 Bob attends the 10th ORPHEUS conference in Belgrade, Serbia and gives a plenary lecture ‘Why, How and What Impact? – Experiences of Doctoral Training at Karolinska Institutet.’

13-04-2015 Bob attends the CMM junior faculty retreat and gives a lecture about ‘Professional conduct in the workplace.’

16-03-2015 Postdoc Xing-mei Zhang receives 1.2M SEK from BarnCancerFonden for her project ‘Myeloid cell therapy for treatment of malignant glioblastoma’.

17-03-2015 Postdoc Xing-mei Zhang receives a 4-year research assistant position starting 1-1-2015 from NBCNS.

01-01-2015 PhD student Andreas Warnecke receives 100,000 SEK for his project ‘Post-translational modifications of myelin antigens in pathogensis and therapy of MS’ from Stiftelsen Neurofonden.

05-12-2014 PhD student Andreas Warnecke’s latest research paper is published online in BMC Bioinformatics.

ion of self proteins makes them autoantigenic (LINK)


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