Dissertation, degree & theses
Checklist before public defence:
• At least 2 published/accepted papers
• 1 opponent and 3 examiners required
• At least 30 credits and approx. 800% activity registered in Ladok
• Obligatory courses and activities completed
If you are submitting you application to defend to dissertation committee after the 15th of March 2024 you need to use a new version of the application. The new application is in three parts. Part three, which is the new part, is a report on the doctoral student’s achievement of learning outcomes. It has two parts one which the main supervisor writes (previously in part 1 of the application) and one which the PhD student writes (new). These needs to be completed before submitting application to defend and should be sent to the dissertation committee but later also to examination board and opponent.
If you are submitting your application to defend to dissertation committee before 15th of March 2024 you should use the old form.
• The Dissertation committee accepts only digital applications - apply 3 months before public defence.
• You need to e-mail your application to disputation@ki.se.
• Digital signatures are allowed from supervisor / Study Director / Head of Department
Time to defend your thesis
Deadlines and important dates - the Dissertation Committee
Laying out and printing a thesis
Degree certificate and Diploma Supplement
Book lecture/meeting room for your public defence in TimeEdit
Application signatures
A public defence application needs to be signed by the:
1. PhD student
2. All supervisors - digital signature is allowed.
3. Director of Doctoral education. Contact her at least 2 weeks before the deadline for submitting the application to the Dissertation Committee , after your supervisors have signed the application. Digital signature is allowed. She will also contact the Head of Department to get his signature.
Plagiarism check - link

Public defence should be advertised approximately 1 month before the dissertation.
Contact Sara von Kauffmann webb@cns.ki.se and inform her about the following:
- Day, time and place
- Dissertation thesis title
- Language - English or Swedish (Swedish is allowed if the opponent and all members of the Dissertation Committee speak Swedish)
- Main supervisor - name, title, university and institute
- Co-supervisor(s) - name, title, university and institute
- Opponent - name, title, university and institute
- The Dissertation Committee members - name, title, university and institute
- The Zoom link – if the thesis defence is hybrid with online audience. More information
Opponent: Apply for SINK
Does the opponent have a Swedish social security number or coordination number (samordningsnummer)?
If not - you need to apply for SINK (special income tax for non-residents; särskild inkomstskatt för utlandsbosatta) at the Swedish Tax Agency (Skatteverket).
You can do it via the link below:
Note that you need to choose the right income year.
Send the application and a copy of the passport to:
205 30 Malmö - doublecheck the address before sending at the link above
Once you have received the SINK decision, the opponent's fee (15 000 SEK) can be paid.
Then send the following documents to CNS HR Unit: Tomtebodavägen 18A, floor 5
- SINK decision
- the form Basis for payments of compensation for temporary employees
- Register an account in Swedbank with the recipient's signature
- If the opponent has a swedish identity number he/she needs to register his/her bank account on Swedbank´s website.
- Expense form (utläggsblankett) incl. receipts from taxi, SL trip, if any
- Copy of Decision of the examination board from Public defence, where it appears that the person was an opponent