
BioClinicum, Karolinska University Hospital's research facility, creates new opportunities for clinical research and education.

Utsidan av Bioclinicum
BioClinicum Photo: MedTechLabs

BioClinicum is designed to increase integration between research, education and care, and promote interactions between research groups. It is a hub of clinical research with nearly 100 research groups within a geographic area. The building is adjacent to the hospital and to Karolinska Institutet's new reseach building Biomedicum, connecting preclinical institutions with medical, educational and research facilities.

The research groups in BioClinicum

The research groups that relocated to BioClinicum are primarily laboratory research groups from the following KI departments:

Prior to the move, research groups were divided into a thematic structure that reflects the healthcare themes adopted in Karolinska Institutet’s new organisational model. The aim is to create the best possible conditions for integrating healthcare, research and education.


Visiting adress

Solnavägen 30

171 64 Solna
