Fetalt och maternellt utfall vid förlossning med sugklocka - Forskargrupp Gunilla Ajne

Gruppen bedriver i huvudsak klinisk forskning inom obstetrik med fokus på fetalt och maternellt utfall vid förlossning med sugklocka, inklusive samarbete med kompetens inom medicinteknisk utveckling.


Bedriver i huvudsak klinisk forskning inom obstetrik. Leder en forskargrupp med fokus på fetalt och maternellt utfall vid förlossning med sugklocka, inklusive samarbete med kompetens inom medicinteknisk utveckling.

Tillsammans med Levercentrum, Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset utförs studier gällande fysiologisk leveranpassning under normal graviditet respektive fettleverinlagrings, NAFLDs, påverkan för graviditet. 

Organiserar patienter med erytrocyt- eller trombocytimmunisering under graviditet inom Stockholms läns landsting. Där igenom sker forskning och utveckling inom detta område tillsammans med Klinisk immunologi och transfusionsmedicin, KI och Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset.


Chronic cholestatic liver disease and pregnancy - not to be confused with intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy Ajne G BJOG : an international journal of obstetrics and gynaecology 2020;127(7):885-

Transfer of Hemolysis, Elevated Liver Enzymes, and Low Platelets Syndrome by a Liver Graft From a Pregnant Female Donor to a Male Recipient: A Case Report Karadagi A, Romano A, Ajne G, Ericzon Bg, Nowak G TRANSPLANTATION PROCEEDINGS 2020;52(2):644-646

Effect of team training and monitoring on the rate of failed mid and low cavity vacuum extraction: a hospital based intervention study Pettersson K, Westgren M, Götze-eriksson R, Ajne G BMC pregnancy and childbirth 2019;19(1):101-

Short-term outcome of the second twin during vaginal delivery is dependent on delivery time interval but not chorionicity Axelsdóttir Í, Ajne G Journal of obstetrics and gynaecology : the journal of the Institute of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2019;39(3):308-312

Transient liver elastography in normal pregnancy - a longitudinal cohort study Ribeiro Ms, Hagstrom H, Stal P, Ajne G SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY 2019;54(6):761-765

Anti-D quantification in relation to anti-D titre, middle cerebral artery Doppler measurement and clinical outcome in RhD-immunized pregnancies Wikman A, Jalkesten E, Ajne G, Höglund P, Mörtberg A, Tiblad E Vox sanguinis 2018;113(8):779-786

Predictive value of traction force measurement in vacuum extraction: Development of a multivariate prognostic model Pettersson K, Yousaf K, Ranstam J, Westgren M, Ajne G PloS one 2017;12(3):e0171938-

Authors' reply re: Traction force during vacuum extraction: a prospective observational study Ajne G, Pettersson K, Westgren M BJOG : an international journal of obstetrics and gynaecology 2016;123(9):1558-9

Traction force during vacuum extraction: a prospective observational study Pettersson K, Ajne J, Yousaf K, Sturm D, Westgren M, Ajne G BJOG : an international journal of obstetrics and gynaecology 2015;122(13):1809-16

A population-based cohort study of pregnancy outcomes among women with primary sclerosing cholangitis Ludvigsson Jf, Bergquist A, Ajne G, Kane S, Ekbom A, Stephansson O Clinical gastroenterology and hepatology : the official clinical practice journal of the American Gastroenterological Association 2014;12(1):95-100.e1

Identification of pregnancies at increased risk of brachial plexus birth palsy - the construction of a weighted risk score Lindqvist Pg, Ajne G, Cooray C, Erichs K, Gudmundsson S, Dahlin Lb. The journal of maternal-fetal & neonatal medicine : the official journal of the European Association of Perinatal Medicine, the Federation of Asia and Oceania Perinatal Societies, the International Society of Perinatal Obstetricians 2014;27(3):252-6

Single versus pairwise interpretation of cardiotochography, a comparative study from six Swedish delivery units Åmark H, Millde-luthander C, Ajne G, Högberg U, Pettersson H, Wiklund I, Grunewald C. Sexual & reproductive healthcare : official journal of the Swedish Association of Midwives 2014;5(4):195-8

Hemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn owing to anti-U, successfully treated with repeated intrauterine transfusions Strindberg J, Lundahl J, Ajne G. Immunohematology 2013;29(2):51-4

Targeted routine antenatal anti-D prophylaxis in the prevention of RhD immunisation--outcome of a new antenatal screening and prevention program Tiblad E, Taune Wikman A, Ajne G, Blanck A, Jansson Y, Karlsson A, Nordlander E, Holländer Bs, Westgren M. PloS one 2013;8(8):e70984-

[Life-saving transplantation in pregnancy-related liver failure. Well functioning care continuity contributed to the good result] Agren A, Stål P, Agvald-ohman C, Eleborg L, Nowak G, Ajne G. Lakartidningen 2011;108(3):92-5

Procedure-related complications and perinatal outcome after intrauterine transfusions in red cell alloimmunization in Stockholm Tiblad E, Kublickas M, Ajne G, Bui Th, Ek S, Karlsson A, Wikman A, Westgren M. Fetal diagnosis and therapy 2011;30(4):266-73

Endothelin and the Regulation of Uteroplacental Blood Flow in Human and Rodent Ajne G, Papadogiannakis N, Nisell H, Jansson T. REPRODUCTIVE SCIENCES 2010;17(3):315A-315A

Contribution of endogenous endothelin-1 to basal vascular tone during normal pregnancy and preeclampsia Ajne G, Ahlborg G, Wolff K, Nisell H. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGY 2005;193(1):234-40

Effects of blockade of the endothelin receptor A and inhibition of nitric oxide synthesis on uteroplacental and renal blood flow in awake pregnant rats Ajne G, Nisell H, Jansson T. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGY 2005;192(1):295-301

Endothelin converting enzyme (ECE) activity in normal pregnancy and preeclampsia Ajne G, Wolff K, Fyhrquist F, Carlstrom K, Hemsen-mortberg A, Nisell H. HYPERTENSION IN PREGNANCY 2003;22(3):215-24

The role of endogenous endothelin in the regulation of uteroplacental and renal blood flow during pregnancy in conscious rats Ajne G, Nisell H, Wolff K, Jansson T. PLACENTA 2003;24(8-9):813-8

The role of endogenous endothelin in the regulation of uteroplacental and renal blood flow during late pregnancy in the rat Nisell H, Wolff K, Ajne G, Jansson T. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGY 2001;185(6):S227-S227


Karolinska Institutet
Institutionen för klinisk vetenskap, intervention och teknik
Enheten för obstetrik och gynekologi, C1:77
Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset, Huddinge
141 86 Huddinge


Åsa Catapano