Tina Dempsey

Tina Dempsey

E-postadress: tina.dempsey@ki.se
Besöksadress: Solnavägen 1 E, 11365 Stockholm
Postadress: K9 Global folkhälsa, 171 77 Stockholm

Om mig

  • I have been a registered PhD student in Global Pediatric Health since January
    2020 and part of a research group focusing on neonatal resuscitation in low-
    and middle-income countries. The projects that I am involved in are mainly
    based in Hanoi, Vietnam. I did my pediatric clinical training at Karolinska
    University Hospital. Since November 2022 I practice as a pediatrician at SUS,
    Skånes University Hospital.
    2022 Pediatric Specialist, Karolinska University Hospital, Solna, Sweden.
    2016 MD Medical degree, University College Dublin, Ireland.
    2012 BSc Biomedical Science, University of Ireland, Galway.


  • Of the 136 million babies born in the world annually, 5-8 million are
    estimated to need resuscitation at birth. Globally, birth asphyxia is
    responsible for close to 1 million deaths per year, of which almost all (98%)
    take place in low and middle-income countries. An even greater number suffer
    from moderate to severe multi-organ injuries. The main objective of neonatal
    resuscitation is to maintain a patent airway and provide effective
    positive-pressure ventilation, which is usually achieved by using a
    face-mask. However, neonatal resuscitation with face-mask ventilation
    requires adequate operator skills. To maintain adequate operator skills
    around the clock most obstetric and pediatric departments in high-resource
    settings require annual retraining sessions for all staff members involved.
    For a long time, the only alternative, if face-mask ventilation fails, has
    been to intubate with an endotracheal tube, requiring advanced operator
    skills and also the use of a laryngoscope. Endotracheal intubations are
    performed in the neonate only by skilled anesthesiologists or neonatologists.
    The laryngeal mask airway was invented in the 1980s. It is inserted into the
    upper respiratory tract with the purpose of more easily and quickly ensuring
    a free airway. We want to answer the question of whether a laryngeal mask
    airway should replace intubation as the first choice when face mask
    ventilation is insufficient.

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