Rebecka Teglind
Besöksadress: Retzius väg 3, Campus KI, 17165 Solna
Postadress: K7 Onkologi-Patologi, K7 Forskning Druid, 171 77 Stockholm
Om mig
- In my background as an osteologist I have performed several different tasks
including analyses, documentation of human skeletal remains and investigation
and excavating places of execution. During my studies in England in
2016-2017, I studied human anatomy, jurisprudence, DVI (disaster victim
identification), crime scene investigation and management, and I used this
knowledge in a master thesis on forensic 3D documentation on human bone
trauma. As a forensic anthropologist I am also trained in the knowledge of
international conflicts and natural disasters dealing with DVI from e.g.
earthquakes, aeroplane casualties, mass graves and terrorist offences. I am
currently a Ph.D student at Karolinska Institute in Forensic Medicine and
I'm also employed at the National Board of Forensic Medicine in Stockholm
*2017 MSc Forensic Anthropology*
Bournemouth University, England
Level 7
*Key Modules: *Bodies of Evidence – Skeletal Changes before and After
Death, Crime Scene Management and Forensic Science, Human Functional Anatomy,
Principles and Methods in Human Osteology, Professional Practice in Forensic
Science, Research Project (dissertation).
*2016 BA (Hons) Archaeology with a focus on osteology*
University of Uppsala, Campus Gotland, Sweden
*Key Modules: *Osteology, A, Osteology B, Archaeology with focus on
Osteology C, (BA dissertation) Cultural Anthropology A, Cultural Anthropology
B, Political Science 1.
- *Age estimation and provenance analysis of human bones*
This project aims to develop new methods and improve existing methods to
determine the year of birth and geographical origin of unknown deceased.
The main aim of the study is to develop a strategy to estimate the year of
birth and age at death of unknown dead human bodies and unknown human
skeletal remains to be applied on for example, victims of crime and or mass
disasters to simplify the identification work. The result of these studies
may also provide some basic information about the turnover rates of
biological components in the human skeleton. Still today we have little
knowledge on the metabolism and turnover rates of different bones.
- Wehlin, J., Teglind, R., Sten, S., Thorell, E. & Carlsson, E.,
(2018). Avrättningar och centralorganisation i Dalarnas Stora Tuna under
den tidiga medeltiden. Nya analyser av benen från Kyrkskolan. (Executions
and centralised organisation at Stora Tuna in Dalecarlia during post-Viking
times. New analyses of human remains from the Kyrkskolan
site.) /Fornvännen/ 113. Stockholm.
Wehlin, Joakim & Teglind, Rebecka (2017). /En ny berättelse om skeletten
från kyrkskolan. //(A new story on the skeletons from the church
school). /Tunum: /Tunabygdens hembygdsförenings årsskrift. /2017, s.
41-49. Borlänge: Tunabydgens Hembydgsförening Gammelgården.
- Article: BIOMOLECULES. 2021;11(11):1655
- Doktorand, Onkologi-Patologi, Karolinska Institutet, 2024-2025
- Doktorand, Onkologi-Patologi, Karolinska Institutet, 2024-2025