Lydia Kwak

Lydia Kwak

Lektor | Docent
Telefon: +46852487129
Besöksadress: Nobels väg 7, 17165 Solna
Postadress: C6 Institutet för miljömedicin, C6 IIR Kwak, 171 77 Stockholm

Om mig

  • My area of research is intervention and implementation research within the
    field of worker health, with a special focus on health promotion.
    I am an associate professor in health promotion, head of the unit
    Intervention and Implementation Research in worker health and assistent
    director of Doctoral Education at IMM.


  • Master in Health Sciences, specialized in Health Education and Promotion and 

  • Biological Health Sciences, Maastricht University, Maastricht, the


  • Doctoral degree in Health Sciences. Title: the NHF-NRG-In Balance-project: 

  • development, implementation and evaluation of a weight gain prevention
    program. Academic institution: Maastricht University, Nutrition and
    Toxicology Research Institute Maastricht (NUTRIM), Human Biology, Maastricht,
    the Netherlands.



  • I am head of the unit for Intervention and Implementation Research in worker
    health. My research activities are related to intervention and
    implementation research in the field of worker health. This means that I
    conduct research on how the health of the working population can be promoted
    at the workplace and how ill-health can be prevented. This research
    encompasses a broad range of research activities including gaining knowledge
    on determinants of health and health behaviour through observational studies,
    testing the effectiveness of methods targeting these determinants through
    intervention studies, assessing the methodological quality of measurement
    instruments through methodological studies and gaining knowledge on how
    effective interventions can be implemented into practice through
    implementation research studies.
    In addition to being unit head, I also lead a research group. At the moment
    we have several ongoing research-projects, including the following:
    * A large implementation study financed by AFA-insurance, which is being
    conducted among nineteen public primary schools in Sweden. The aim of the
    study is to compare the effectiveness of a multifaceted implementation
    strategy versus a single implementation strategy for implementing the
    /Guideline for the prevention of mental ill-health at the workplace/ [1]
    within schools. The effectiveness will be compared with regard to the
    extent to which the recommendations are implemented within the schools
    (implementation effectiveness) and with regard to social and
    organisational risk factors for mental ill-health (intervention
    effectiveness). ​​​​​​​
    * Implementation of the Swedish /Guideline for Prevention of Mental
    ill-health at the Workplace/: study protocol of a cluster randomized
    controlled trial [2]
    * Differences in how female and male elementary school teachers in Sweden
    experience their work environment. [3]
    * A study on teacher retention financed by FORTE. Teacher retention is a
    persistent problem for many schools to date. In some municipalities in
    Sweden as much as 15-25% percent of teachers quit every year, which
    roughly corresponds to 5 to 10 teacher changes during high-school years.
    While some turnover is considered necessary and healthy for schools, too
    much instability is harmful for both students’ results and teachers’
    health. There is therefore an urgent need to reduce teacher turnover. *The
    aim of this study *is therefore to increase our knowledge on how teacher
    turnover at schools can be reduced, and which specific strategies are
    needed for schools to keep their teachers. Based on the results of the
    project recommendations will be given to decision makers and schools
    regarding how to minimize teacher turnover. The next step is to develop
    and evaluate interventions aimed at preventing teacher turnover. None of
    the research aims of this project have been previously financed.
    You can read about some of the other research projects I am involved in here:
    Preventing sickness absenteeism among employees with common mental disorders
    or stress-related symptoms at work: Design of a cluster randomized controlled
    trial of a problem-solving based intervention versus care-as-usual conducted
    at the Occupational Health Services. [4]
    Facilitators and barriers and ethical aspects in relation to cooperation with
    the aim of increasing return to work among individuals with mental ill
    health. [5]
    Evaluation and implementation of highly challenging balance training in
    clinical practice for people with Parkinson's disease: protocol for the
    HiBalance effectiveness-implementation trial. [6]


  • I am since 2011 course leader of the doctoral course Public Health
    Intervention and Implementation research at Karolinska Institutet. Moreover,
    I am course leader of the master course Introduction into program planning
    and development. I give lectures for undergraduate and graduate programmes
    on the topic of intervention and implementation research and supervise
    master-and doctoral students.
    For information on the doctoral course Public Health Intervention and
    Implementation research 2019 [1]please click on the link of the course or on
    the link of the doctoral program in Public Health Sciences [2]


Alla övriga publikationer



  • Lektor, Institutet för miljömedicin, Karolinska Institutet, 2019-

Examina och utbildning

  • Docent, Hälsofrämjande arbete, Karolinska Institutet, 2017

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