Swedish Twin Registry - about us

The Swedish Twin Registry is managed by a Steering Committee, responsible for policy documents and major decisions, and an Expert group, reviewing all STR applications. There are also a number of other staff working in the registry, for instance data base managers and data collectors.

Meet our staff and management


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Patrik Magnusson

Director of STR
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Ulrika Zagai

Deputy Director of STR
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Camilla Palm

System Developer
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Barbro Sandin

System Developer

Isabelle Kizling

System Developer

Vivekananda Lanka

System Developer
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Gunilla Hedlund

Project Assistant

Expert Group

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Sara Hägg

Chairperson of the Expert group
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Johan Askling

Professor/Senior Physician
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Sofia Carlsson

Senior Lecturer
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Fang Fang


Sebastian Lundström

Representative from the STR National Council

Steering Committee

  • Anna Bennet Bark, Health and Social Care Inspectorate
  • Anna Beskow, Uppsala University
  • Bo Jacobsson, University of Gothenburg
  • Christer Jansson, Uppsala University
  • Henrik Larsson, Örebro University
  • Cecilia Magnusson, Karolinska Institutet


STR is domiciled at the Karolinska Institutet since 1959. It was originally established to study the importance of the environment for the development of cardiovascular disease and cancer. 

Since then, interest has expanded to almost all common diseases and health problems. We have contacted all living twins and we are now the world's largest twin registry. A substantial number of scientific articles have been published on data from STR and currently approximately 100 new articles come out each year. 

Contact and visit us

The Department of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics is the host of the Swedish Twin Registry.

Facility email: str-research@meb.ki.se

Mailing address: Svenska Tvillingregistret, Department of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Karolinska Institutet, PO Box 281, SE-171 77 Stockholm

Visiting address: Nobels väg 12A, SE-171 65 Solna