Proteomics Biomedicum Core Facility - our offer
The Proteomics Biomedicum Core Facility provides services using the best available mass spectrometry-based proteomics techniques and methods with focus on quantitative proteomics, including single cell proteomics. We help design experiments, providing a broad range of efficient samples preparation methods, high quality mass spectrometric data as well as data analysis and interpretation.
The Proteomics Biomedicum Core Facility offers services to analyse proteins using a wide range of mass spectometry based analytical methods with focus on quantitative proteomics, both label-free and multiplexed TMT-labeling.
We have recently established an experimental workflow that allows us to analyse extremely low amounts of proteins extracted from single cells and generate quantitative results with reasonable depth of the proteome. Similarly, we are now able to work with a low number of cells, which previously has been a challenge when samples were available in limited amounts.
Based on our experiences, accumulated over the years, we are eager to discuss projects related to identification and quantification of proteins and assist with experimental design as well as to deliver high quality results.
- Single cell proteomics by mass spectrometry
- Large scale quantitative proteomics experiments using label-free or isobaric labeling (TMT and TMTpro) quantification strategies
- Targeted proteome analysis, including SureQuant analysis of plasma/serum samples and targeted PTM analysis (e.g. methylation, phosphorylation)
- Accurate molecular mass determination of peptides and small proteins (up to about 30 kDa)
- Detection of posttranslational modification and their localisation on the amino acid sequence
- Protein identification in gel and solution

Mass spectrometers
- Orbitrap Lumos (Thermo Scientific) – High-resolution, high mass accuracy tribid mass spectrometer
- Orbitrap Eclipse with FAIMS pro (Thermo Scientific) – High-resolution, high mass accuracy tribid mass spectrometer
- Q Exactive HF (Thermo Scientific) – High-resolution, high mass accuracy Orbitrap mass spectrometer with ion mobility mass spectrometer
- Q Exactive (Thermo Scientific) – High-resolution, high mass accuracy Orbitrap mass spectrometer
Liquid chromatography systems
- UltiMate 3000 Nano LC System (Thermo Scientific) – Ultra high pressure, nano-flow liquid chromatography system
- UltiMate 3000 LC off-line fractionation (Thermo Scientific) - High pressure nano-flow liquid chromatography systems